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Saturday, October 13th, 2007

    Time Event
    A shaky introduction
    I'm slowly but surely crawling out from underneath this rock. I've literally just joined this asylum, and while I've still got the guts, am posting a fic I whipped up for enchanted's rather funny challenge as an introduction. :)

    Author: Erik deSoir
    Title: Dirty Mouth
    Rating: Eh, younger kids might not understand the sexual undertones, but I wouldn't let a preteen/teeny bopperĀ read it.
    Disclaimer: In addition to owning my soul, J.K. and company also own the characters within.
    Summary: Draco gets something, and Harry gets a good laugh out of it.
    Length: 163 words
    Notes: written forĀ </a></strong></a>[info]enchanted_jae's monthly challenge: I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue.

    Current Mood: uncomfortable

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