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Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

    Time Event
    Cursed Confessions
    Title: Cursed Confessions
    Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Spoilers for Deathly Hallows
    Summary: Harry has an unlikely job in an even more unlikely place. But when he's hit by an unknown curse, the person to help him is, perhaps, the most unlikely of all.
    Word Count: 9497
    Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling – save for a few who were made by annafugazzi. No infringement on copyright was intended and no money made from this work of fiction.

    Author's notes: Written for annafugazzi at HD Remix at LJ In this remix I chose to keep the framework of the original fic. The basic plot and its devices are all made by annafugazzi as are the various OCs herein. The idea for setting and what the characters are doing there should also be credited to annafugazzi.
    My contribution was to switch the point of view and update the fic to being compliant with Deathly Hallows – even the epilogue, if you squint. Hard *G* I also changed some of the dynamics surrounding the magic used here and I have to admit to cutting parts of the original as well to make it more suitable for an exchange.
    I would like to mention the dialogue because I had a lot of fun with mixing annafugazzi's original dialogue with my own to make the fic a parallel but not simply a rewrite.
    My thanks go to coffeejunkii for running this amazing exchange and to my beloved beta and muse, elfflame. She is the reason this one worked out for me.

    Thinking back, Harry wasn't sure what or when it had started, the change )

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: V for Vendetta on the DVD

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