October 8th, 2011



[ event | open ]

[ No school year is complete without it's festivals! And no festival is complete with the gophers selected to gather up all the heavy props and equipment to set things up for the guests on campus.

Touma and another (classmate, student council member, or teacher) have been "volunteered" by the class to head to the storage room at the end of the hall and get some of the boxes out for the following day. ]
What an overwhelming vote. It's just my luck, I guess, but I didn't think they disliked me that much. [ He laments, reaching for a bin full of poles to be used for hanging banners, when a nearby shelf creaks and breaks. ] Haa? Watch out! [ The rope net slides off of the shelf and down toward the pair, and he tries to get them both out of the way, but the end result is still:

a) Touma is tangled in the ropes, b)whomever else is with him is trapped, or c) both! ]

((ooc: Open to all for CR, but note that Touma is as straight as a razor if it goes in ~that~ direction! o/ For this scenario, non- or dub-con are acceptable.))