May 17th, 2011


[[ Event-Optional // Open ]]

Potential trigger warnings.

[ Boredom is a finicky thing. Often enough it leads him to the grace of stimulants, or sleep, or destruction of an experimentally relevant matter. Today it's led him here.

He's not sure what to make of the place - he's hardly sure if it's real at all, but here he is. Ever the curious one.

His long overcoat is strung across the window seat, and his scarf folded atop that. There's a cigarette in one hand, appearing in the room just as he needed it. In the other he spins the gilded, silver key to the room. There's definite potential to a place like this; he just isn't sure how to utilize it yet.

Maybe he's just waiting for someone to bring him a game to play.

Bring him work. God, anything but the dull routine of existence.

The door is open, giving a false sense of welcome.

Anyone who peers in will see the long line of a thin frame belonging to a young man, the mess of his black curls almost acting as a cowl. His back is turned to the doorframe, and he seems to be musing over what's outside the long window. One pale hand rests on a narrow hip and the other nurses a cigarette that never seems to dip below half burnt.

If one gets closer, they can hear him murmuring to himself in a language that seems almost nonsensical - unless one is well acquainted with the names of the minutiae of human structures.

There is a human skull sitting on the nearby table. Not to worry, though; it looks like it's long been sitting on shelves. ]

[ OOC: First time posting to this community, be gentle with me and not honestly sure what I'm looking for. Sherlock is kind of a fickle personality as far as who he's going to indulge, just as a forewarning. I fancy the thought of the event, but I'm open to other possibilities (including the open-ended 7). So if you're going with the event, either roll in your post or put 'event' in the subject line and I'll roll for us. If you want to plot a premise or another thing, do shoot me a PM. Otherwise, have at it.

I should note that women are cannonly 'not his area'. Not that women are not welcome, I just think he'll be more inclined to sneer at them. You are welcome to try, though. ]