April 27th, 2011


[Non-event | Open]

[A certain Commissar has been hard at work preparing the room for his evening guest.]

[Ciaphas Cain is dressed in a simple button-down shirt and slacks--a far cry from his usual fancy black leather and red sash, but it works. As he waits, Cain pours glasses of fine amasec at the table, which is spread with a light evening meal. A record player is busy scratching out a lovely tune that is clearly intended to be nothing more than background music to pleasant conversation and whatever else may occur. Candles provide lighting, and incense acts as a heady, soothing mood-setter. And, just in case, the bed is clean, silky, and soft.]

[The door is unlocked, and he'll call out in welcome to whomever knocks...]

((OOC: Anyone is welcome to presume themselves invited to a lovely evening with Commissar Ciaphas Cain, for whatever reason that may be, but be aware that he prefers women. Men can tag in, but chances of it going anywhere sexy are rather slim.))