March 15th, 2011



[ open | event: school au | intro ]

[You might hear the soft click of heels on the school floors, along the hallway and towards the teacher's lounge, deliberate and confident. She has several files of tests to grade, free period for the students better spent for teachers trying to get such things done as quickly as possible.

Still, she's not thinking on it too much, instead considering other things--a cup of coffee, or perhaps a nice long chat with another colleague, should they choose to be present in the lounge as well...]

[Not that she ever turned a student away either; there's a test coming up next week, after all.]

((ooc: hurr, say hi to hot Karen-sensei. I blame no one but myself.))

[Open | Non-Event(?)]

[Neku is on a bed, arms and legs tied together, a blindfold over his eyes. He's fast asleep, though he's starting to shift a little, as if whatever drugged him is wearing off. A muzzle is clamped over his mouth, preventing him from speaking or biting anyone who comes to rescue him. The collar on his neck is tight enough that he couldn't remove it, even with his thin fingers.]

[He shivers in his sleep, cold, because he's naked in here. His clothes are next to the bed, though he's obviously unaware of it now.]

[Be there when he wakes up?]