January 29th, 2011


[Event | Open]

[For the first time in quite a few days, she's sleeping soundly. It's a more comfortable bed than she's used to, and through some wonderful gift granted by the hotel, there are no nightmares. Plus, even in sleep, she's dimly aware of a pleasant sensation: a warm body beside her, its breath moving in counterpoint to her own. If she were even slightly awake, this would probably startle the daylights out of her, but in sleep she merely moves slightly closer to the warmth and sighs softly.]

((just a terrible urge. i fully expect this to go untagged >D))


[Shin's not exactly a sound sleeper, but the room is warm and the bed is soft.

His dreams are a bit disconcerting, though. Wake him up?]

((OOC: Voice test, part 2! Sex not definite (but possible!), CR absotively welcome.))