September 14th, 2010



[ old event | open? ]

[ Touma's normally deadpan features held an edge of confusion to them. He was in a strange place that definitely didn't look like the prison, when the the last thing he remembered was going to sleep in his bunk.

Not to mention, it was hot everywhere; inside, outside, it didn't matter. He was trying to cool himself off with some drinks -- the masked waitperson had deposited a tall glass in front of him that was filled with what looked and tasted like a slushy... but definitely wasn't. This was his third or fourth one. He wasn't paying attention, because it seemed so matter how much of the fruity blended ice he drank, the heat just wouldn't stay away.

So far he's already loosened a few buttons on his white shirt, and ditched his shoes and socks. The night and its promise of a cool breeze can't come fast enough. ]

((OOC: Touma's immune to the basic effects of this place. Old event is the heat-wave / incense one, but incense is optional. ))