March 8th, 2010



[Event | Open]

[Oh, not this again.]

[Fou-Lu considers his options. Run out as fast as he can and hope he doesn't run into anyone? Not likely. Perhaps he could ascend to Tyrant form and bust out by sheer force, but even that might backfire. He isn't certain as to the purpose of the collar around his neck, and he would rather not tempt fate by flitting around in his divine form while wearing it. So, next best solution: Fou-Lu is staying put in his room, sitting on the bed, arms and legs crossed and a glare locked onto the door. Anyone attempting to enter will be facing down a cranky-looking dragon-god. But he probably won't lunge out at anyone in a hostile way. ... probably.]

((ooc: any gender is welcome ♥))


[She awakens in the hallway, dressed in her school uniform rather than her plugsuit, with a strange tightness around her throat. At first she wonders if it's just bruising from the choking she received earlier, but when she fingers the line of her neck, she finds something smooth and cool resting there. Uncomfortably tight. No seam.

Also, no cast on her arm. How did it heal so quickly?

No, it didn't heal, she thinks, finally looking around - she's not even in the same place anymore. She's somehow traveled again. This doesn't look like a prison, and the chain is also gone from around her ankle, but it also doesn't give any clues of its purpose from the hallways lined with numbered doors. Apartments? Maybe. Or maybe cells. Marina hardly looks like a prison, after all.

Swallowing uncomfortably, she starts out down the hallway, trying as much as possible to blend into the shadows. For the moment, she doesn't notice the charged air, but the presence of someone else just might trigger it. Who knows?]

((ooc: giving this another try now that a few people know rei. c'mon, she may be emotionless on the outside, but she's still hot! ;D

Also, spoilers for Devil Survivor and Neon Genesis Evangelion))