February 24th, 2010



Keisuke awakens confused. He hadn't actually slept as far as he could remember, it was the sixth day of the lockdown and time was running out, there was too much to do in too little time, and yet he'd somehow fallen asleep. Not only that, he has absolutely no idea where he is or even how he'd gotten there, and he's worried about the others.

...to make matters worse, a search of his pockets reveals that he doesn't have his COMP (he does have a key, though) and around his neck is something metal...a collar? He blushes without even thinking about it, and then forces himself to not think about it, uncomfortable as he is-there are more important things to think about.

For the moment, he simply wanders the hallway, hoping to find out a better idea of what is going on.

[ooc: just testing some things and bringing Takagi Keisuke from Devil Survivor, possible spoilers.]



[event | closed]

[Lockon woke up in the lobby of the hotel, with a pounding headache and blurry vision in his one eye. Clutching his head, he sat up, a bit surprised by the fact there was gravity, and that he was missing his helmet. The space suit creaked and groaned as he moved, craning his head to take in his surroundings. Something pressed into his neck, under the black skin-tight top he wore, but he just thought the collar of his suit was too tight.]

[He looked a bit like death warmed over - which was more true than he knew - and even with his head clear all he could do was look around in a bit of a stupor. How did he get here? And why did it feel like he had been put in the spin cycle?]

Ne... hello? [He called out, not knowing who or what to expect.]

(( OOC: AU version of Lockon / Neil Dylandy - pretty much dropped here on his death instead of in Marina. Just for my curiosity~ If you want to torture him some, too, just ask! ))