December 21st, 2009


[Non-event, closed]

[It was cold, very cold. She was snuggled up under many blankets, but still the cold permeated to her flesh in ways that made her body tense, and constantly shivery. She pulled her legs up closer to her chest, and held them there, all of her covered except the top of her head, which was covered by a knit hat, and her eyes, which were closed, since this trip to bed had begun as an attempt to sleep. But it was way too cold.]

[Non-Event || Open]

[ The Eye has had quite enough of this nonsense. Its master should not be subjugated to this, not with the boy's pure soul. Mikhail dislikes the atmosphere, the thick heavy air that seems to press down on them all. This has been driving its unnatural senses nuts. The only reason it hasn't done anything is simply because its master had not been harmed. Teito, no... Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs had been in the company of those the boy trusted and that is enough. But its restless now, only popping up when the boy decided to sleep.

Red, cold eyes cast a glance about the lobby. There has to be a way to leave this place or find out who is responsible for this disgrace.