December 11th, 2009


event → OPEN

What the    

[ Stumbling into a badly lit   scratch that   pitch black room wasn't what he expected to find on the other side of that door. When he had summoned the courage from the deepest depths of the heart that wasn't supposed to and didn't exist and wrapped his fingers around the doorknob, he thought he would be facing another liar. Another monster. Someone who wanted to boss him around, who wanted to teach him right from wrong through their point of view.

Someone else to use him.

He expected the damned room to be just as illuminated as the white hallway with pods had been, not the complete opposite of that. Blue eyes narrow, readjusting to the darkness as he inhales, trying to regain himself when he - he notices a key. In his hand. Where had that come from? What did it open?

And more importantly, why did he care?]

Ugh, this is     [Stupid, he thinks, but leaves it unvoiced.] ....where am I?

[Cue the spinning in a half-circle in a cliche I'm-lost fashion.]

{ OOC; So, uh, feel free to be in the room he has the key to and hear him unlocking the door or be roaming the hallway  whatever floats your boat. Just be warned that if you're not a canonmate (or even if you are   depending) he's gonna come across as hot-tempered and wary right about now. }

[ intro → event → open ]

[ The newest arrival stirs quietly, nothing more than a soft girlish yawn escaping her lips as she begins to rouse herself. Statin luxurious sheets start to distance themselves from Sara's person and tumble off of her. She sits up, rubbing her eyes, until she realizes the inky blackness surrounding her isn't the result of a dream or her eyes still being closed.

No, the place really is that dark. Confused, Sara reaches to turn on a light, but although she hears the click of the switch being pushed it does no good. Thinking she may still be home with her beloved, her golden eyes, invisible in the darkness, scan the room and take in nothing. ]


[ Placing a hand near where he would be on the bed tells her only that Setsuna isn't there anymore. This is strange. ]

Setsuna? Setsuna, where are you? What's going on?!

[ Unsure if she is dreaming or in a new place entirely, frightened and bemused by the situation but nevertheless undaunted in her exploring, Sara gets up and starts to explore, hopefully going to find something to light her way in the process. She's barely managed to get out of the door, though, before she trips over something the darkness and falls. ]