August 27th, 2009



[Iris wasn't exactly disappointed when she climbed the stairs and found the spa. She's seen signs for them in the city when she'd go for supplies, but she'd never had a chance to actually visit. She'd gone to the changing room, surreptitiously stripping out of her robes. She hung the larger cloaks in the order they came off, and let the sashes pile on the bottom of the locker. She untied the remaining sash, no wider than a ribbon, and held the front of her white, innermost layer closed. She pressed a towel to her chest with one hand, and opened her robe beneath it with the other. She wrapped it around her under the robe and tucked in the corners. Safely wrapped in the towel, she took the robe off, and hung it with the rest.

She started out of the locker room, and noticed her hair was still up. That just wouldn't do. She pulled out the elastic holding the back together, and then pulled out the pins. She deposited them in her locker, then realized she'd forgotten something else. She was still wearing her panties. She hooked a finger under her robe, and tugged them off quickly. She wiggled her feet out of them, and quickly balled them up in her fist, blushing a bit pink for anyone watching. She lifted the pile of sashes and buried the unmentionables under them before closing the door for the last time.

From there, she left the locker room, and explored. Soon, she discovered an interesting concept. A cold bath. She was used to Hazakura's harsh winters, so she was certain she could handle this. She entered the bath, and found it was empty. She stuck an experimental toe into the water, and smiled a bit. This could be quite nice, actually. She started down the stairs into the water, letting the towel get wet. She moved to the right of the stairs and sat on the bench that ran along the edge. Chills ran up her spine, but she soon relaxed. It was oddly soothing. An easy smile came across her face, forgetting all about her mission that Dahlia was insisting she complete.]