August 25th, 2009



[EVENT] 003


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir madames et monsieurs!

This week's theme is:

Squeaky Clean

How are your arms feeling this evening, hmm? After all that strenuous activity, you've earned a chance to relax in nice warm water and rich, silky lather.

All the naughty implements have been whisked away and the top floor of the building has been transformed into a spa. You'll find hot and cold pools, saunas, soaps, lotions, massage oil and tables, and... anything else you might require.

Oh, but sorry, there are no private spaces in the spa area. Please don't let that deter you from relaxing, however.

Joie de la vie~!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional and will be weekly, posted every Tuesday morning, EST.