Anything Horses' Journal
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Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    1,200 - 1,300 pounds!
    My horses are getting progressively bigger.

    My Crabbet Arabian was ~800 pounds. (14.2 hands)

    My cremello QH mare was 900 - 1,000 pounds. (14.3 hands)

    My four year old 1/2 Percheron is 1,200 - 1,300 pounds and possibly still growing. (16 hands)

    When my Arabian died I knew I would probably never get another hot blood so I sold all his Arab-sized tack.

    I bought new gear for my QH mare (sold to a QH breeder last August) but I put the Wintec western saddle on Phoenix today and I need a larger cinch! (And HOW!)

    My current cinch is 32 inches so I just ordered a 36 inch one. I am hoping it is long enough. (Stephanie, did you have to buy a draft horse cinch for BlackJack? If so, who sells draft sized tack?)

    The tie strap is the nylon one that came with the Wintec so I also ordered a new 6' leather tie strap. It is nearly a foot longer than the nylon and I prefer leather over nylon for multiple reasons. Read more... )

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