Anything Horses' Journal
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Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

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     Well, Skye has been...dont' want to say "lecturing" as I've been grilling her for info, so I'll say 'tutoring' me in the different types of bitless bridles and/or hackamores leverage Vs pressure, etc. So I'm getting one of these
    < > -I mean, the woman has a perfect rating on ebay, and she custom makes them to fit your horse. if it works on Bo*Berry, and I like it, it answers my "oh dear lord, what kind of bit am I going to get for the Beast?" question. Assuming he'll go with nothing in his mouth. I mean, he's gotten better about not grabbing things to carry when I've ridden him (in a halter and lead) So he is maturing. We'll see. Plus, if I like her stuff, she makes rope halters, as well.

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