Anything Horses' Journal
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Monday, March 31st, 2008

    Time Event
    An intro for those who dont know me
    As you might be able to tell, instead of horses, I've devoted my time, love, and considerable amount of effort into working with a mule. I'm really quite active over in LJ, but I wanted a place to have a pure training journal, without too many distractions, so I came here. I will not be around all that much, but I'll stop in here on occasion.

    I'm a college kid who's been riding for years, as long as I can remember. I have been working with 'problem' horses and young'ens for about 7 years now, they're a lot more fun than any push button horse could ever be for me. My mule is defiantly a problem critter. He lashes out at people with his back feet for the slightest offense. Before I came along he was sitting in the pasture getting fat. Now he's my love, very well behaved for me. He is still wary about other people working around with such scary things as pitchforks and buckets.

    picture of the mule under the cut Zorro )

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