Thursday, January 1st, 2009

WHO: Angel Jones & Calle Rankin
WHAT: New Year's celebration and some dancing!
WHEN: [backdated] 12/31/08.... a few hours before midnight
WHERE: A dance club in New York near Times Square

When in doubt: Just dance. )
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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

who: calle rankin and open
what: the aftermath of the attack
when: december 28th, late afternoon
where: outside the mansion, in the back, by the fountain.
rating: pg 13 for language.

you hide inside so not okay, what if you remember more today? )
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Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

to teddy )

to jackie )

to kait )

to taggart )
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To Alexandra )

To Calle )
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Monday, December 22nd, 2008

WHO: Tricia Wisdom
WHAT: Smoke Break
WHEN: December 22nd around 2PM
WHERE: Outside at the Mansion
RATING: PG-13 for now

Slipping Out for a Smoke )
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Sunday, December 21st, 2008

Private to Calle Rankin )
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who: calle rankin, jackie foley [open to anyone else who needs healing!]
what: healing.
when: two days after the attack.
where: make-shift medical room in one of the underground levels of xavier's.
rating: pg
status: incomplete/in-progress

i'm supergirl and i'm here to save the world, but who's going to save me? )
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008


who The Sisterhood and those at Xavier's Mansion
what Magnetra wants to pay her old friend a visit. Plus, there's something more sinister brewing in her plans as well.
when Late afternoon on Tuesday.
where Xavier's Mansion.
rating PG-13
status Incomplete.

What do you do when the world crumbles beneath your feet? )

OOC Instructions )
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Monday, December 15th, 2008

who Calle and Teddy
what Birthday date!
when Monday night.
where On the strip in West Village!
rating PG-13
status Complete.

It had taken Teddy five hours of standing in line in the blistering cold to get awesome seats for this. )
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Who: Taggart Smith and Calle Rankin
What: Birthday Run for Ice Cream and a Movie
Where: From the Mansion to Salem Center, and Back
When: Noonish
Warnings/Rating: To Be Decided
Status: Incomplete/Closed

Twas a bouncy day, and a bouncy trip... )
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

private to emmett frost )
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Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

WHO: Calle Rankin and Teddy Altman
WHAT: A date!
WHEN: Night of her birthday
WHERE: Burger Burger xD In NYC
STATUS: Closed and in progress.

just look, look at you. pretty and perfect due to your steady hand. apply that lipgloss like it's your job. you know you're a heartthrob. )
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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

Thread: Mimic and Wither

Who: Kait Ford and Calle Rankins
What: Being her usual awkward sneaky self
When: December 3, 2008, late, late at night
Where: The kitchen at Xavier's
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

Read more... )
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Saturday, November 29th, 2008

WHO: Calle Rankin and Aiden Matthew
WHAT: An interesting meet-up.
WHEN: Saturday, night-ish.
WHERE: On a street, vaguely lost, somewhere in New York at night-ish.
RATING: With Vagrant's mouth? I'll say pg-13 for now.
STATUS: Closed and in progress.

oh, what a TWIST! )
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Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

WHO: Taggart and Open to multiple threads
WHAT: Random acts of creation, destruction, and getting a clue
WHERE: on the grounds of Xavier's place
WHEN: Wednesday
RATING: To Be Decided.

Sometimes, making takes breaking... )
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

who Teddy Altman, Calle Rankin, and [OPEN].
when Friday, November 21st.
where Xavier's Mansion
what The news reaches the mansion.

It was just an article. )
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