Thursday, January 8th, 2009

Who: Domino (open)
What: wandering about town
Where: Salem Center
When: Midafternoon, after he woke up from his nap.

hanging out downtown by myself )
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Monday, January 5th, 2009

WHO: John Gray and Open to any Sisterhood members in separate threads.(No multiperson threads)
WHAT: Captivity, Annoyance, random conversations
WHEN: Nowish
WHERE: His strange prison place

What about me, it isn't fair, I've had enough now I want my share, can't you see, I wanna live, cos you just take more, you take more, more than you give! )
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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

who Taggart
what A walk in the night
when Sometime after dark, between Saturday and Sunday
where In the Salem Center and Westchester area, somewhere
status Incomplete/Closed
rating PG-13 for minor language.

When darkness is in, and darkness is out, and everything seems to fray... )
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Friday, December 26th, 2008

who The Staff Members of Xavier's Mansion
what Xavier calls a staff meeting. It's time to start planning.
when Friday evening.
where Xavier's office.
status Incomplete.
rating PG-13. Maybe.

it's the end of the world as we know it... )
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who: siobhan, the mayor, and OPEN.
what: walking the mayor around new york.
when: friday, dec. 26, around noon.
where: central park
status: incomplete&open
rating: pg at the moment.

commence the further exploitation of The Mayor. )
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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

WHAT: molesting Thanking Toad for the Christmas Gift!
WHEN: Sometime Tuesday, after the gift was given.
WHERE: Sistahood Hideout.
RATING: PG-13 for now, for language and possible content. Will be friends locked if goes higher than PG-13.

i don't know what you do, but you do it well. )
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Sunday, December 21st, 2008

who: calle rankin, jackie foley [open to anyone else who needs healing!]
what: healing.
when: two days after the attack.
where: make-shift medical room in one of the underground levels of xavier's.
rating: pg
status: incomplete/in-progress

i'm supergirl and i'm here to save the world, but who's going to save me? )
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Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Who: Lorne and open
What: sulking, thinking
Where: the mansion (if they're still in the mansion)
When: late in the afternoon.
Warnings: cursing, angst, kissing

It's progress they say, and this isn't your way. . . )
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Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Who Valerie Astrovik
What The Ghost gets home from a job, and Valerie wanders out to get supplies
Where Her new York apartment and then the indoor market in Salem Center
When Monday Night to Tuesday Morning
Rating PG for now
Status Incomplete and Open

Darkness falls across the land, your body starts to shiver... )
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WHO: Banshee + Taggart
WHAT: Sitting.
WHEN: Tuesday, early morning. Around 5-6 am.
WHERE: Central Park
RATING: PG-13 for now, for language and possible content. Will be friends locked if goes higher than PG-13.
STATUS: complete

we all have shiny happy fits of rage. )
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Who: Weston and OPEN
What: Wes has gone into New York City to do some gift shopping.
When: Sunday, December 14
Where: Spring Street, SoHo area.
Rating: TBA
Status: Open, ongoing

If he were being honest, Wes would have had to admit that the Evolution Nature Store was a more likely place to find a gift for himself than anyone on his list. )
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Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

WHO: Taggart and Open to multiple threads
WHAT: Random acts of creation, destruction, and getting a clue
WHERE: on the grounds of Xavier's place
WHEN: Wednesday
RATING: To Be Decided.

Sometimes, making takes breaking... )
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

who Teddy Altman, Calle Rankin, and [OPEN].
when Friday, November 21st.
where Xavier's Mansion
what The news reaches the mansion.

It was just an article. )
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