Sunday, December 28th, 2008

WHO: Pietra and Weston
WHAT: She's in her room, thinking about the attack
WHERE: Her room in the mansion
WHEN: Sunday evening
STATUS: Incomplete
RATING: No more than PG, I'm sure

Thinking, thinking, thinking )
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Backdated to Christmas, of course, because while I fail at timeliness, Wes doesn't.

Left for John. )

Pietra )
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Backdated to Christmas

For Weston Maximoff )
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Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

To Weston )

To Binnie )
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008


who The Sisterhood and those at Xavier's Mansion
what Magnetra wants to pay her old friend a visit. Plus, there's something more sinister brewing in her plans as well.
when Late afternoon on Tuesday.
where Xavier's Mansion.
rating PG-13
status Incomplete.

What do you do when the world crumbles beneath your feet? )

OOC Instructions )
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Who: Weston and OPEN
What: Wes has gone into New York City to do some gift shopping.
When: Sunday, December 14
Where: Spring Street, SoHo area.
Rating: TBA
Status: Open, ongoing

If he were being honest, Wes would have had to admit that the Evolution Nature Store was a more likely place to find a gift for himself than anyone on his list. )
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Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

WHO: Taggart and Open to multiple threads
WHAT: Random acts of creation, destruction, and getting a clue
WHERE: on the grounds of Xavier's place
WHEN: Wednesday
RATING: To Be Decided.

Sometimes, making takes breaking... )
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