Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Who: Waverly and OTA
What: Shopping to take her mind off things
Where: Salem Canter
When: all day. She's saved up a lot of money.

Sometimes ever drama queens need a break from it all. )
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Monday, January 5th, 2009

WHO: John Gray and Open to any Sisterhood members in separate threads.(No multiperson threads)
WHAT: Captivity, Annoyance, random conversations
WHEN: Nowish
WHERE: His strange prison place

What about me, it isn't fair, I've had enough now I want my share, can't you see, I wanna live, cos you just take more, you take more, more than you give! )
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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

Who: Waverly and OPEN!
What: drinking
Where: she's wandering the house
When: late in the evening
Warnings: R for her mouth, which is foul.

Going off the rails on a crazy train )
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008


who The Sisterhood and those at Xavier's Mansion
what Magnetra wants to pay her old friend a visit. Plus, there's something more sinister brewing in her plans as well.
when Late afternoon on Tuesday.
where Xavier's Mansion.
rating PG-13
status Incomplete.

What do you do when the world crumbles beneath your feet? )

OOC Instructions )
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Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Who: Waverly and OPEN
Where: the Sisterhood house
What: preening in the kitchen sink
When: after sunset
Warnings: TBA

At night she spreads her wings, she dreams of bigger things. )
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Saturday, November 29th, 2008

Who: The Sisterhood Alliance
What: Talking about the article; discussing future plans.
Where: The HQ of the Alliance
When: Early Saturday afternoon, after this
Rating: PG-13 for languages, most likely. They are evil after all.
Status: In progress.

The media and humans loved a little mystery. )
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Friday, November 28th, 2008

Who: Waverly and OTA
What: Sitting and feeding pidgeons
Where: the park
When: early afternoon

Every Sunday you'll see my sweetheart and me as we poison the pigeons in the park )
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