epicenes (IN CHARACTER) X-Men Genderswap RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
epicenes (IN CHARACTER) X-Men Genderswap RPG

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[28 Dec 2008|12:44am]
who Taggart
what A walk in the night
when Sometime after dark, between Saturday and Sunday
where In the Salem Center and Westchester area, somewhere
status Incomplete/Closed
rating PG-13 for minor language.

When darkness is in, and darkness is out, and everything seems to fray... )
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Backdated to Christmas [28 Dec 2008|11:00am]
For Weston Maximoff )
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Backdated to Christmas [28 Dec 2008|11:10am]
For Ailani )
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Backdated to Christmas [28 Dec 2008|11:21am]
For Jo )


For Vagrant )


For Magnetra )


For Bruiser )
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[28 Dec 2008|12:04pm]
who: calle rankin and open
what: the aftermath of the attack
when: december 28th, late afternoon
where: outside the mansion, in the back, by the fountain.
rating: pg 13 for language.

you hide inside so not okay, what if you remember more today? )
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[28 Dec 2008|02:49pm]
Backdated to Christmas, of course, because while I fail at timeliness, Wes doesn't.

Left for John. )

Pietra )
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[28 Dec 2008|04:28pm]
WHO: Pietra and Weston
WHAT: She's in her room, thinking about the attack
WHERE: Her room in the mansion
WHEN: Sunday evening
STATUS: Incomplete
RATING: No more than PG, I'm sure

Thinking, thinking, thinking )
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[28 Dec 2008|07:25pm]
Who: Waverly and OPEN!
What: drinking
Where: she's wandering the house
When: late in the evening
Warnings: R for her mouth, which is foul.

Going off the rails on a crazy train )
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