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enumero ooc

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[29 Jul 2014|09:20pm]

Hey, guys, this is just a hiatus notice to let you all know I'm going on vacation until the 7th, so I'll probably be scarce around here. I know it's bad timing, what with trying to relaunch the game and all, but it's been booked for a while now.

Ily guys, and I'll ttyl when I'm back!


Let's Get This Party Started! [26 Jul 2014|01:24pm]

Okay! So I think I've heard from as many people as I can with regards to the game, so let's get this up and running again! There are just a few things I've heard from folks that I'd like to address now:

CANON: Some people don't like the idea that their characters have to die before Halloween, so I'm officially taking us out of strict Canon. If you want a huge, dramatic death please feel free! If you'd rather your character survives then that's fine too! We're going to let the war play out our way, rather than being bound by canon. Hopefully this works for everyone.

ACTIVITY: So obviously it's been quiet around here. I'm going to set up some huge something or other to get everyone talking (and if you have ideas or want your character(s) to be closely liked with whatever catastrophe we come up with let me know!) I'm going to do an advertising push soon to try and get some fresh blood in here, so if you guys want to pimp the game please do! In the same vein, there are some characters here who have never, ever posted. Unless I hear from them by the end of next week they will be let go and their spots opened up for someone else. Also, if anyone who is active but has a character they'd like to drop just let me know, and we'll take them down.

HTML: So, I'm really bad at this. Like, really bad. So if anyone knows how to do this sort of thing (update the friend button, take people on and off the character page etc etc) please let me know! You can be a co-mod, assistant-mod, or just an awesome-dude, but I'd really appreciate the help.

That's all for now. Let's start really playing again! Depending on the responses we'll have our big event mid/late next week.


[18 Jul 2014|10:22am]

Hey everyone,
So there has been a little upheaval, as I'm sure you know, when it comes to modding this game. Leah just can't do it anymore, and so I've offered to take over so the game doesn't die! But I want to see what sort of interest there still is, because it's been so quiet around here lately. I'm still 100% behind this and think this is a fantastic group of people, but I want to hear you all weigh in.

Are you still wanting to play? Are there things you would like to see change? Are you just insanely busy right now but will be coming back as soon a real life stops being awful? Please let me know! And if anyone wants to help at all on the mod side I'm totally open to that. I've modded a few games before, but I am hopeless when it comes to HTML so if anyone knows anything about that sort of stuff I'd be grateful.

Thanks guys, and here's to hoping our great game can stay afloat!


[04 Jul 2014|11:44pm]

Hiiiii y'all ♥

First off, I just wanted to give a massive apology. I've been slacking horribly here, and I feel awful about it. It's not that I'm not excited about my lines or your chars or anything, just RL is being a pain.

I'm off this weekend, though, and as long as the storm we're getting doesn't knock out my power and/or internet, I should be getting caught up on some stuff! I'm definitely going to be catching up on my actual threads, but I think that, in order to best jump into current events, I may let a lot of the comment/journal threads fall by the wayside, unless there are any that you feel are extremely important to your char's lines and that you want me to reply to.

In other news, I'm moving to day shifts as of July 20th, so I should be around a lot more often because of that, as well :D

I also have my sixth char apped, finally, so if you get a chance, please check out Florean's intro and say hello to your friendly neighbourhood ice cream man :P

Much love, and many, many apologies for dropping the ball,
Kitty (Ash/Barty/Damien/Dorcas/Florean/Shay)

ETA: Nope, I still suck, I'm so sorry. I got two tags out, but that was it. I'll try to do some journal catch-up tomorrow night, when I get home from work. Expect an - albeit backdated - DE post from Damien sometime this week, too :)

Hiatus Notice [03 Jul 2014|03:41pm]

I'm so sorry that this going to be 2 hiatus notices rolled into one. There's been a lot distracting me lately and I wanted to catch up this week, but I felt so hopelessly burnt out and ended up having to take a break from basically everything ever :( And then I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm not sure how often if at all I'll have Internet connection while I'm on vacation.

So yes, I'm really sorry. If I'm holding back any of your plots, please shoot me an email so that we can figure things out and stuff.

I'll be back (hopefully in full swing) on the 14th.


[02 Jul 2014|02:18am]

Hey people!

If anyone wants to join in on our little Greyback-hunting side plot, either as an ally or to give the Noras' mission a frisson of danger, pleeeease let me know either here or on AIM (zapperofevil, lest we forget). Since I'm currently mildly transient, I'm gonna be spending the next sort of thirty hours on a long and leisurely journey from my parents' house in the North-East to my boyfriend's flat in London, so I probably won't be particularly prompt with responding, but TELL ME I would like to play with this plot.

Also, for reasons unrelated to Jormy's, I may or may not be on a slight slowatus for the next couple of weeks, because in all this moving around I have let work fall by the wayside and once I get settled at the boyfriend's, nose meets grindstone with regard to my behind-schedule commissions. So. May vanish a bit.


[02 Jul 2014|12:29am]

So, erm, I know I just came back from hiatus, but...

Well, it's more a slowatus than a full-on hiatus, but I'm going away for a while - like, a fortnight - and I'll be busy. So I'll try to answer things and stuff, but just a heads-up that I might be slow and fail.

[29 Jun 2014|09:04am]

Hiiiii Everyone!

I’m Tori, 25 years old, and I’ve been Roleplaying now for about 9 years on an off (apart from when pesky work/life got in the way for a bit!!). I’m a Risk Analyst for an Insurance Company (sounds far more interesting than it is) and I’m from Manchester, England! I do work about 42 hours a week on average, but I’ll always try and reply to posts before work/lunch/breaks!

I have one girl, Marlene McKinnon at the moment, but I’m sure that won’t last long (already plotting my next character!). She would loveeeee some friends that would help her stop being such a Workaholic! I’m putting up her Introduction post now, but if anyone wants to plot I can be reached on AIM on anoddrose or an_odd_rose@hotmail.com!

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