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[05 Apr 2010|07:49pm]

who Caleb and Hailey
what Being SO awkward
where Quidditch Pitch
when Just after Quidditch practice
status Incomplete
rating G

hands shaking, heart skipping a beat he breathed deeply. )
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[30 Mar 2010|05:01pm]

Who Sadie
What Bad dreams
Where Dorms
When Last night
Rating PG
Status Closed

sometimes the world seems a little to angry for some people. )
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[25 Mar 2010|09:51am]

Who:  Cameron and [Open]
What:  Cameron is making a map, someone walks in!  Oh noes!
When:  Backdated to after dinner last night
Where:  Secluded Library table
Rating:  Pg-13

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[22 Mar 2010|11:47am]

OCT 22 ; After disappointment in the Minister he halfway redeems himself today. He steps up and assigns Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley to Aubrey's case. Hermione Granger is rumoured to be in on this as well. People are very excited about this.
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[21 Mar 2010|10:02pm]

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[20 Mar 2010|09:31am]

OCT 19 ; Boring is a relief today, thank Merlin there's a game tomorrow. **Madison Crane's birthday.

OCT 20 ; QUIDDITCH GAME! Hufflepuff VS. Ravenclaw - Winner is; ____________ - Quidditch players prepare for the game today. No sore feelings between the teams, there's a bit of a yelling match at lunch though between the houses.

OCT 21 ; Hogsmeade Weekend!
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[18 Mar 2010|09:12am]

OCT 18 ; Percy Weasley is seen today at a press conference about the Harpers instead of the Minister. More citizens are concerned about his dedication.
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OPEN [18 Mar 2010|08:28am]

WHO: Frank and OPENsauce
WHAT: Sometimes Frank takes the idea of a plant nursery a little too seriously.
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Greenhouse Four
STATUS: Incomplete

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[17 Mar 2010|04:16pm]

OCT 17 ; Andrew Harper's home is ransacked while Jackson and his wife Mandy Brocklehurst are out at dinner for the evening. Graffiti covered the siding on their house and many of their windows are broken, belongings burned or stolen. Investigators assume the act was meant to be malicious. The family is placed under Ministry watch.
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[17 Mar 2010|09:24am]

WHO: Hannah & OPEN
WHAT: Studying
WHEN: Afternoon-ish
WHERE: Librario!
RATING: G? For now.
STATUS: Incomplete

Tilting her head to the side she wondered who could possibly have wanted that seat out of the entire library. It was rather full though she supposed so she politely tapped their shoulder... )
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[16 Mar 2010|09:45am]

OCT 16 ; Pretty relaxed day, a group of 2nd year Ravenclaws get an official "debate" going at lunch with a group of 3rd year Gryffindors. The Lions lose by a long shot.
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[16 Mar 2010|03:17pm]

what: She's finally got her letter. Who is her father?!
when: October 15th, 5pm
where: Owlery
rating: PG

Elizabeth Arrista Zabini, DNA test results were... )
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[16 Mar 2010|12:21am]

who: Alice Longbotton and Molly Weasley
what: girl talk. to the extent that Alice does girl talk
when: Monday, late afternoon
where: library
rating: PG for language

I am too sleepy for cut text right now )
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[15 Mar 2010|09:46am]

OCT 15 ; Boring, boring, boring. The sun is out today!
**Frank Longbottom's birthday.
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[13 Mar 2010|09:19pm]

Who?: Renee Flint & [OPEN].
Where?: The Ravenclaw common room.
When?: 8:30PM, Saturday night.
Why?: All sorts of stressed, Renee feigns illness in order to get some time to herself. The common room is deserted, and so she attempts to find comfort in the landscape and crisp air from one of the windows.

You go on, I'll be okay. I can dream the rest away. It's just a little touch of fate, it'll be okay. )
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TO ALL STUDENTS. [12 Mar 2010|11:55am]

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[12 Mar 2010|10:25am]

OCT 12 ; Professor Naylor organizes a study group for NEWTs. All topics will be covered instead of just one. All students are encouraged to come, it lasts two hours in the evening after dinner.
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[11 Mar 2010|06:12pm]

WHO: Garrett Flint
WHAT: Garrett has one of his dreams about his little sister
WHERE: 7th year Slytherin boys' dormitory
WHEN: 11 September, 2:06 AM
RATING: PG-13 for some language
STATUS: Complete

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[11 Mar 2010|11:04am]

OCT 11 ; More leads present themselves in the Aubrey case, all signs point to murder so far. For safety aurors are placed at Hogwarts today through the end of the year.
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[10 Mar 2010|12:45pm]

OCT 10 ; Peeves wrecks a bit of havoc up in the Hufflepuff boys dormitories. Their underwear is all mixed up, so be careful when you pick your skivvies today!
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