April 26th, 2019



I'm so glad this game came back to life.

Krystal here is the owner of the strip club in Hope Springs, and she is a bit of a mother hen to the girls who work for her. She runs a dance studio as well, it is her thing she did by herself and is most proud of aside from her children. She also has a difficult past which you can read about in her bio. She has three daughters and has no interest in a relationship but loves futas. She is female

I also have [info]lorensummers who is pbed by Nina Dobrev. She is a cute, bubbly, girly theatre major who loves sex with women but feels she should marry a man. This is mostly so she can have babies. She is from NYC with no knowledge of futas. She's also about to pledge the sorority. I feel this will have an effect on her.



Always glad to have this game back!

So this is a brand new character, Samantha Simmons, faced by Evangeline Lilly. She is a futa attorney in Hope Springs, has one child who she carried from an affair with her law school mentor, who is now eighteen and therefore playable. She didn't feel the urge to settle down as a single parent, but has been dating someone for the past few years and she figures that will happen eventually. She also has a fairly newly graduated PA who she has been having a lot of office fun with (once work is done, of course). Both lines are available. I would love one of them to be a futa. She is also the daughter of one of a few m/f couples - her about to retire father is a judge, and Samantha (she's only Sam to some ;)) also has two sister.

I've also brought [info]katieohannigan back but am still working out things with her twin and what backstory has changed for them. Though Katie is still head over heels in love with her twin. That's something that will never change.