Endless Epitaph

October 3rd, 2009

October 3rd, 2009

Entering the Death God in need of a fix!

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The Players : Ukitake, and whoever shows up
Where : Bodego Bay, CA
When : February 3rd, 2009.
Rating : PG-13 so far
Notes : Ukitake is in a gigai, a 'false body' that resembles his own, and dressed as close to the American norm as he can, but to anything with a sixth sense he's pretty much 'not from around here'.

Thirteenth Division was spread thin already, running communications from the main divisions and the scouts scattered around the human world. Unohana-san hadn't liked the idea of releasing him to active duty so soon, but there just wasn't enough bodies to go around for all the work, and Jushiro refused to be a burden on his subordinates.

America was his assigned scouting territory, and he was glad he knew as much English as he did thanks to Hershey, Pennsylvania. If there was a paradise on this world, that town was its embodiment.

The best course of action was to start on one coast and work his way across the country if he could, searching for Aizen's trail. Soul Society didn't deal too much with the Western countries, they had their own oni and troubles. Hollows had never been reported past China, so the Gotei had focused their attentions on their homelands, but thanks to Aizen's malice and ingenuity, they were forced to expand their attentions.

"Oh! A bagel shop!"

It was a major hardship.
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