Endless Epitaph

April 19th, 2009

April 19th, 2009

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Who: Dean and Sam Winchester
When: January 25th
Where: Lincoln, Nebraska
Rating: PG 13
Notes: Sam and Dean are on a road trip. Trying to stop the seals from being opened and the Devil himself from being released. Brothers are investigating mysterious deaths.

Sam and Dean sit across from each other at a diner, Dean is eating a large hamburger while Sam is working on a lean salad.

“Sammy, you need to learn how to eat man food,” Dean said with his mouth full.

“I eat man food. I just don’t want a heart attack before I’m 30,” Sam said while he was doing some internet research as he ate. “So I did some more research on our mistress and Megan. Both of them dated the same kinds of guys. Older men, some married. Rich. All left them high and dry. Some of the women even tried therapy. I checked into mysterious deaths and the ones close to what we’re looking for started a few months ago. A total of 6 men before we got the bassinet guy.”

“That’s nine guys. So, we have any kind of connection?”

“Make that ten.”

“What are you looking at now?”

“Local police report. Seems late last night a guy was killed in his car,” Sam paused. “By lightning.”

“Merciful Zeus,” Dean replied.

“Exactly. Another strange death attributed to the mysterious Justice killer,” Sam said.

“So, who was the Don Juan this time around?”

“He wasn’t. Did a search on the guy, and he was a model citizen. Eric Winters, happily married, worked at a clinic here in town as a therapist. Helped a lot of people and couples, won a lot of awards.”

“Then why would this person go after him? He didn’t seem to fit the bill for needing Justice.”

“No clue. I suggest we go and investigate his practice and interview his wife. Find out for sure if he was the model husband and employee,” Sam said sipping his drink.

“Okay, I’ll check the practice, you meet up with the good doctor’s wife,” Dean said finishing his drink. “See if he was as good as he seemed.”

“Just be careful Dean. We don’t know who’s behind this yet and the last thing we need is to get killed by the wrath of Athena.”

“You too Sammy. And no using your Sith powers either.”


“I’m serious Sam. I don’t want Castiel and his buddies killing you cause you can’t control yourself. I went to Hell to keep you alive, and I’m not going to let you make the sacrifice I made for nothing. Understand?”

Sam nodded.

“Now, first person to find something calls the other. Agreed,” Dean asked.


Mystery Revealed )
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