Endless Epitaph

February 16th, 2009

February 16th, 2009

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The Players : Xander Harris. (Closed)
Where : Chicago, Illinois.
When : The week of January 19, 2009.
Rating : PG13.
Notes : Who has one eye, two thumbs, and fights evil? This guy! *points to self*

A woman is riding down the streets of downtown Chicago on a red motorcycle. Behind her in hot persuit is a guy on a black motorcyle. The two weave in and out of traffic as she tries to lose him but no avail.

She turns down an alley and skids to a stop crashing into a trash can.

Dead end.

The man on the motorcycle stops at the end of the alley blocking her way out. He steps off the bike and removes his helmet.

"You're pretty good on that thing. Too bad I'm gonna have to kill you. Would like to learn some of those moves," Xander said as he walked towards her.

The woman got up off the ground and stared him down.

"So, you're the local vampire hunter in these parts huh? And we're usually so careful about getting in you people's crosshairs."

"Yes, well, you've only been a vampire for a few months. You didn't learn to clean your messes."

Plus she left a trail. When he read the news reports and saw them on TV he thought he was up against a siren or a succubus. But since the men didn't die of what appeared to be old age succubus was out. The reports obviously left out some of the details...like puncture wounds. It was the one link all the murders had so they left it out. Personally Xander thought it had something to do with those Twilight obsessed vampire imitators.

But eventually Xander saw a pattern in some of the strange deaths. After interviewing some of the family, he discovered they had all dated this woman.

Veronica, the raven haired vampire who took out all the boys who dumped her or did her wrong over the years. She vamped out and stalked towards him.

"They had it coming, all of them did. They left me for younger cheap whores. Now I'll be young forever, don't tell me you never thought about immortality. Fighting us...had to have considered the idea of what it would be like to be turned."

"Once. Turns out I would have been a badass vampire. Feared by everyone. But you know, saving the worlds better than tearing it apart. Now if we're done with the pleasantries...want to get this over with? I'm two hours late making an important phone call."

She growled and ran at him. He grabbed her and threw her against the wall punching her a few times. She blocked one of his punches and kicked him against the other wall. Xander reached behind him and pulled out his small crossbow.

Victoria laughed. "You're gonna kill me with that? Its so small."

"Not the size the counts. But how you use it."

"You just keep telling yourself that," she scoffed.

She moved quicker than he was ready for and she knocked it out of his hand, falling to the pavement. She threw him to the ground and pinned Xander's arms down.

"Shouldn't play with such dangerous toys. You could put your eye out. Wouldn't want that."

Xander tried to release from her grip.

"Love it when you men put up a fight," she leans down and licks his neck. "You're gonna taste so good. I might make you mine forever."

While she was talking Xander was frantically reaching for the crossbow. She bore her fangs into his neck and started to drink. He reached out and grabbed it and put the tip of the arrow to her heart.

"Forever's gonna be a little short."

He fires the crossbow and she falls and crumples to dust. Xander gets up and dusts himself off and reaches into his jacket pocket and puts a handkerchief on his wound.

"Last poke you're gonna get," Xander said as he walked to his bike.

He wasn't as good as the trash talk as Buffy was, but he still tried. Thankfully, he didn't lose much blood. He fixed up his wound with the first aid kit he kept in his bike, then made his way home.

Xander thought a lot about the last six months of his life as he made his way home.

After they saved the world from The First, he and the rest of the Scoobies helped reform the Watcher's Council, everyone kind of went their own seperate ways. Buffy needed a break from everything, well earned. Though it did suck they didnt see much of each other over the last few months. Willow and Kennedy were doing there thing, saw them every so often.

After Anya's death, Xander needed a lot of time away after helping out Giles. He traveled to Tibet, China, and even Japan. He knew with the calling of all Slayers, evil would bide its time before biting back harder.

He wanted to be ready so he could help his friends when it was time. He didn't want his disability to hold him back. So he worked with Shamen, monks, and martial art masters to learn to fight better. After a few months, he was better as a fighter and with a sword.

He came back to the states and radomly picked a place he'd call home. After watching a few John Hughes movies, he picked Chicago.

Was pretty tame as far as evil went. Had its share of monsters, but it was mostly vampires. A few demons now and again.

Finding a job on the side however, was pretty difficult. Eventually, he found a job at a local bar a few blocks from his apartment. It wasn't bad. Not a dive or very loud. A very friendly atmosphere. Felt like the bar from Cheers in some ways.

As, Xander arrived to his complex, he bought a newspaper on the corner and made his way upstairs. He tossed his kes to the table with the paper and took his jacket off. He picked up the phone to make his call, but he got a message instead.

"Hey Buff, Xander. You're probably out on patrol or something, but I just wanted to call you and wish you a happy birthday. Present and card is in the mail. Hope everythings good on your end. Miss you and hope we can mee up again soon. Night."

Being apart from the Scooby Gang sucked the most out of all this. Still did after all this time. He missed not being able to see them every day. Hanging out, watching movies. The Bronze. He made every effort to stay in touch, but it wasnt the same.

After making a late night snack he turned on the TV and fliped through the paper looking for any "tales of weird" hidden in the stories. Not seeing anything weird-esque he layed down watching some show called "Fright Night." He heard some guy talking about evil, but before he heard any more, Xander was fast asleep.
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