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Dec. 18th, 2007


[GP] Weres, weres, EVERYWHERE. [Attn Miri]

Hana was surprised, really. One, that Ryuuken had allowed his estate to be practically overrun by small children, and two, that said children were being so well treated. The other suprising(heartwarming) thing was how well Uryuu got along with the children. Which made him think of something he'd wanted to talk to the Quincy about ever since he'd had a certain conversation.

So down he went, watching Uryuu play with one of the kittens. So cute.

"Naa, Uryuu...do remember you have actual work to do at some point today." Oh, he was so very, very amused.


[GP-based] It's that time of year [Attn Yoshi]

Yasu loved the winter. Actually, he just loved cold weather. He supposed, really, he was just a freak that way. But, it meant, given the seasons festivities, that he could dig out the mistletoe headband once more, and seek out his brother. Never mind the actuality of the holly plant being poisonous, it wasn't as if they were going to eat it.

Into the art studio he crept, silent like the plant-wearing ninja he was. Surprise was the key here. Of course, being Yasu, he got distracted for a while, watching his brother paint. Himself, he could only barely manage stick figures, but Yoshi's paintings were always so vibrant and beautiful. One couldn't help watching him, really.

Dec. 14th, 2007


[GP based] Keep those wires in your mouth (Attn: Miri)

How positively wonderful~ The man stood at one of his computer consoles, quickly pulling up a long data sheet. Yes, the tattoo was official; he'd managed to find the right one. A new toy, mused the vampire, looking at the unconscious Number laid out on the large, cold slab before him. The buzz of the active computers made his face crack out into the characteristic mad scientist's grin, white teeth sharp.

The room was lit by multiple computer screens, large and giving a gloomy cast to the room, lights of soft purples and blues giving the room a very unsettling atmosphere. All his instruments currently lying near the other man didn't seem to help either, each one seeming to have a cruel edge, razor sharp. The ones that didn't seemed even more wicked in their usage, an implement for spreading open ribcages, several drills; basically, a plethora of tools lay there, waiting for Doctor's whim.

Any moment now, he thought to himself. The dosage had been chosen meticulously, but he could've underestimated the man's metabolism. No matter, he had plenty of time. One syringe was in his hands, as he tapped out the bubbles, a small bit of the liquid glimmering at the needle point, clear drop of something no doubt malicious.


[GP-Based] Loner (Atten: Jou) ~ O

It was past time to leave this place, he thought quietly to himself as he watched more of the felines leave the estate. However he doubted that the hosts of this place would just allow him to walk out of the gate by himself, especially considering his abilities and knowledge of the workings of the rings. Thus he would have to wait until either dusk or nightfall before he made any attempt to sneak away from this place.

It was really only a matter of time before he ended up caged again if he remained here, and while the restraints may not be as visible and obvious, that didn't make it any less a cage. And no cage, however comfortable it might be or seem was worth getting caught up in if it could be avoided.

Thus he went about his business as usual for now--which pretty much was to avoid as much attention as was possible without unduly worrying those whom had brought him here in the first place. Once darkness fell however he moved to check out the boundaries of the estate and considered what was the best method open to him for getting past those boundaries and remaining outside them even once his absence was discovered.

Nov. 17th, 2007


[GP-Based] Present (atten: Hana)

Turning his attention from the three variations of Quincy before them, Ryuuken studied the small shinigami seated not to far away from him also watching the little practice session. He wondered silently if Uryuu had bothered to tell the boy--or for that matter anyway, realized the simple fact himself in the first place--that he'd chosen the healer to be his chosen mate. Of course there wouldn't be any public announcement of that small fact, he'd learned already that more traditional members of their line would have veritable conniption fits if they the fact that the boy was not taking one of their own species but like his father taking something outside of it, and worse, a shinigami.

Of course saying anything about his son's choice in mates would make him something of a hypocrite since he had basically ended up doing the same, his saving grace though was that his mate was at least female in gender. However it wouldn't be the first time a family in the line ended due to lack of issue. Uryuu would just have to select and train an heir when the time came for him to pass on the leadership.

Moving from his seat to one closer to Hana, Ryuuken gave the boy a slight nod of greeting when the healer's attention moved toward him. "I was wondering if we might talk while they're busy with their practice?" he asked as he settled into a seat beside the shinigami.

Nov. 6th, 2007


[GP-based] Chance Meeting (atten: Kaji)

The trip into the city had so far been for the most part unadventurous, nothing untoward had happened to him or rather more importantly the package he'd been carrying during this entire trip. Hopefully such good fortunate would remain with him during this visit.

Heading across the street toward a cafe, he was jarred rather rudely when a young man walked right into his side. Stepping away from the man, he paused only seconds after upon noticing that the wrapped package he'd been carrying had vanished from his place under his arm. Turning, he headed quickly after the now fleeing thief.

Nov. 5th, 2007


[EoTW-Based] Unexpected Visitors [Attn Ryou]

Ine tried to keep herself fairly busy most of the time. It kept her from doing silly things, like dwelling on the past and that rot. Of course, she couldn't always be busy, and so here she was, at home, on her own, and bored to tears.

At least, until there came a knock on the door. Odd, that. Ine got up and opened the door, blinking at who she saw there.


Oct. 29th, 2007


[GP-Based] Were Council (atten: Read)

The massive chamber was a riot of noise as the Council and meetings audience convened. As the seats filled, slowly, surely order began to come to the room and by the time the last member of the council came to his seat, the riot of noise was a thing of the past.

The were seated within the center of the upraised dais at the front of the room gestured toward the two weres at the doors at the back of the room. After a small exchanged nod was shared, the were to the right opened one of the doors and stepped outside to fetch those whom had business to present to the Council.

"Please come inside and seat yourselves within the seats before the Council." The guard told the blond whom smelled of death. He was the leader of this little expedition after all as he had in essence prompted the meeting to happen in the first place.

Oct. 26th, 2007


I wait for you to lose sight of me.(Attn Jirou)(GP based)

Cassandra was leaning against a wall outside the club as she waited for her partner to show up. He'd been given the orders but they usually arrived separately since it would cause less of a stir. Not that he knew anything about blending in given his choice of dress. She arched an eyebrow as he approached and shook her head once before she pushed off the wall to intercept him "You know you really should let someone help you find something a little less blatantly obvious to wear."

Oct. 24th, 2007


[GP-Based] Gay Chicken [Attn Twins, Supi]

"So, those are the rules?"

"Mhmm! And as a bonus, we get to see Supi's reaction!" Ine tilted her head, and smiled, thoughtfully.

"You know, you're rather attractive, really." And just like that, the gauntlet was thrown down.

"Thank you. You're quite a looker, yourself, m'lady." Yasu grinned, leaning a little bit closer in response.
This was going to be so worth the look on Spitfire's face.

Oct. 23rd, 2007


[GP-based] Every Mile A Memory (attn: Hisoka, Jou)

OOC: See this for the beginning of this thread.

Best to ease the boy's mind about this impromptu meeting before things went too much further he decided. "I don't mean you any ill-will. That is to say I merely desire to speak with you. Are you agreeable to conversing with me even if it has nothing to do with your friends council?"

While he was almost certain he'd be able to get some answers he was curious about from merely observing the other over time, it would be considerably easier to sate his curiosity if he actually had an informative conversation with him instead.

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