Empath's Cove
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Thursday, March 13th, 2008

    Time Event
    Hey everyone, I'm new here. Where to start..well for a while I was into the empath thing and I have a knack for predicting things so I'm familiar with these things a bit. Well I decided I would join here to learn more since I keep getting pushed back in this direction it seems...

    Lately I've noticed that when I sign onto AIM and a certain person is on, almost immediately I feel sick to my stomach and what's worse is most of the time I actually do get sick. It was really bad last week, my Mom had to come home to check on me it was so bad. I was fine the whole day until I tried talking to a friend, then all the sudden I felt really really sick. Does this make any sense? Is this part of being an Empath? If I even am one?

    It happened just a few minutes ago, it was someone different but it's like getting a bad stomach ache when just a few seconds ago you were fine. I haven't had any problems with any of my friends recently so I can rule that one out. Is it just me, or is there anything I can do to make this better? This used to happen to me a couple years ago but I thought it was just me. I'm not sure. Anyway before this gets too long I'll go for now.

    If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

    Current Mood: sick

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