Empath's Cove
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Friday, June 15th, 2007

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    Greetings all!

    As the maintainer/moderator of this asylum I’d like to extend a warm welcome to everyone who peruses the cove.

    Feel free to join and post stories, questions, advice, etc.

    Discussion is encouraged as are introductory posts. ^___^

    A little about me:

    I’ve been empathic and highly sensitive all my life, but it wasn’t until a few years ago when I learned the term ‘empath.’ Upon learning about Grounding & Protecting and that the empathic ability can be harnessed, I set about learning as much as I could to help myself first and then others.

    I am also an Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Practitioner, versed in hands-on and distance healing. I use my empathy to aid me in my healing.

    So, to start off, has anyone else found constructive ways to utilize their empathy?

    Current Mood: happy
    You wouldn't think I'd be a good candidate for any level of empathy, much less the hypertrophied kind, but it is.

    To most people, 'empathy' is mostly an abstract idea representing their ability to recognise and understand other people's emotions.

    To me, it's rather like my sense of smell. Emotions swirl in the air, miasmic, clouds of information, energy-molecules just like my nose picks up matter-molecules. I can't see them, I can't detect them any other way, but I pick them up nonetheless.

    When I was five years old, my very first psychologist called me an 'emotional sponge', and said it was impossible to hide anything from me.

    I don't know how it works, or why I am this way. It just is, I guess.

    Oh. And I'm Jack. Hi. :p

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