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Owl Post; Draco Malfoy & 'Anonymous' [07 Apr 2008|12:14am]
Owl to Draco Malfoy )
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Narrative [07 Apr 2008|12:05pm]
[ music | Rebel Yell : H.I.M. ]

Who: Padma Patil and Pansy Parkinson
What: Dread and disdain
When: First thing Monday morning
Where: Department of International Magical Cooperation
Status: Incomplete
Rating: G?

Padma had been dreading work every day since she read Pansy's journal entry in her Friend Speak. She'd tentatively entered her department for several days at the end of the last week, wary of running into Pansy at every turn - and the lack of Pansy had done nothing to relieve her. If anything, she'd been experiencing a growing tension that seemed to fill her stomache and leave her with a constant dull, headache. (She'd be loathe to admit, but she'd been brushing up on any adjectives she thought particularly described her childhood nemesis. She didn't honestly think Pansy had a larger vocabulary, but Padma had always been one to lose all remembrance of proper sentence cohesion and any and all suitable retorts when in Pansy's direct presence.)

Parvati had been the leader of the twins . . . )

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The Daily Prophet: Evening Edition, Eleven Sickles [07 Apr 2008|04:35pm]
ARTICLE: Friend Speak All the Rage
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Owl to George Weasley [07 Apr 2008|04:35pm]
delivered by a juvenile, black-eyed Scops )
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Owl: Katie Bell [07 Apr 2008|04:55pm]
[ mood | thankful ]

carried by a furious and over-worked owl bearing the WWW crest )

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Owl: Percy Weasley [07 Apr 2008|04:59pm]
[ mood | creative ]

delivery number two )

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Owl: Angelina Johnson [07 Apr 2008|05:11pm]
[ mood | drained ]

third delivery by the same cranky owl )

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Owl: Harry Potter [07 Apr 2008|05:14pm]
[ mood | busy ]

last delivery by a half-dead owl )

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Owl to Hannah Abbott [07 Apr 2008|09:14pm]

Owl to Hannah Abbott )

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[ viewing | April 7th, 2008 ]
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