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[26 Jul 2010|01:45am]
( Joanna )
I'm worried about Dean.
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[26 Jul 2010|03:14am]
Aphrodite )
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(re-intro anna) [26 Jul 2010|08:50am]
Wires got crossed. Power shorted out. I don't know but this isn't right. I'm not even singed. Not dead, not burnt... I still exist. And from the feel of things, I failed. I failed, Michael failed. I don't know if this is punishment, but I never expected the "live with your guilt" kind, so I doubt it. Something is very very wrong.
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[26 Jul 2010|01:56pm]
I was going to stay out of this whole mess, but this place should never be left to Aphrodite and Ares. It will go to pieces you mortals are proving too interesting.
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[26 Jul 2010|04:38pm]
Forgot that I had this.

So how does one kill himself? Or herself? I've tried, but nothings succeeded so far

For the record, yes, I know we're all dead.

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[26 Jul 2010|07:34pm]
This place could use an arena. I know I promised to make up for my misdeeds, but I'm dead. Can't I go back to being warrior now?

Xena, probably time we talked. Especially with him here.
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[26 Jul 2010|07:37pm]
We need some rain. The poor trees are dying of thirst.

Hermes, darling, I could use and escort around the city if you're not too busy.
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[26 Jul 2010|07:39pm]
Next time I decide that free stuff and no infected means I should spend a week eating pizza, candy and soda while I play endless amounts of video games in the arcade... someone stop me. Please. I feel so sick. I've spent the past half a dozen years eating whatever we could find in a can, and pizza has never been canned. I thought, oh sure, I can totally handle nothing but pizza and gummy bears. No. No I can't.
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[26 Jul 2010|11:00pm]

Hey Deano! I wanna try and help you with that little problem o' yours. Come by my place, noon. Bring chocolate.

Oh, and, no promises and no refunds 'k?

And no hitting me with stuff if it doesn't work, I bruise easy.
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[26 Jul 2010|11:37pm]
You know the best part about being dead?

I have a little garden. I grow my own vegetables. And I eat at home every night.
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