Elysian Icons

March 17th, 2008

March 17th, 2008

Drastique - 59 icons

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Thin black border on all. If you saw me, you'd think it was a riot that I read Gothic Beauty with regularity. I am probably the most vanilla looking girl on the planet that goes to goth bars and stuff. Anyway, that's where I saw Drastique and I love her with a similar love that I have for Dita Von Teese, though not nearly as strong. I don't know who the model is in 27-33 with her, but it looks like someone who could pass for a younger Dita if that's something you need. In 47-49 she is holding a white apple, and there really was no way to bring it out any better. I suppose it could be colorized if someone wants.

There will be more sets in the future, this is just a small sampling.


59 Drastique icons )
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