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Elsewhere is Otherwise

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Posts Tagged: 'fullmetal+alchemist:+roy+mustang'

Dec. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

So as per the whole 'instruct people on how not to die when things go to hell' aspect of things, tomorrow everybody is cordially invited to me demonstrating alien species where, if you see them, come and get me.

Please don't shoot me while I'm morphing. Odds are I won't die, but shit hurts.

[ Riza ]

So are you fucking Levi? Or do you just want to?

[ Roy ]

I feel like I should say something.

Dec. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

[ Roy ]

If you were serious about training people to handle the portals, they shouldn't just fight me and Grey.

They should also be able to handle magic and alchemy.

Dec. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Roy and Riza:

You two can keep the house.

If you want to play house with a child, then have one. But stop trying to make decisions for me. For example, did it occur to either of you to ask my opinion about moving? I'm not a piece of furniture. I'm not Roy's pacifier. Did either of you think that maybe there might be things I wanted or didn't want in a place to live? Yeah, I can put up with living just about anywhere, but it doesn't mean I don't have any preferences.

Background for the rest of this since you two suck so much at communicating:

Roy, Riza and I were talking about you the other day. Riza, I kissed Roy. That's probably why he's a drunk mess on the floor. There, see? Communication.

Riza, I accept that I don't know you or Roy as well as you know each other, especially about what you've been through. But that goes the other way too. You don't know me as well as you know Roy. Except for the fact that I'm attracted to you and Roy and I get confused about people's reactions to me, you know zero about what I like or don't like sexually. It's not like I never think about it or fantasize. For all you know, I like the idea of fucking someone who's wearing a clown nose.

Roy, I'm not pissed that you said no. People have said no. Riza's obviously not interested and ask her, I've not been weird about it. I fought with someone I liked for three years while she was with someone else and it wasn't weird. I'm pissed because you seem to think it's your job to decide I can't make my own decisions. I've been making life or death decisions since I was 13, including personal ones like 'hey, should we murder my mom to save humanity?' No, I'm not very romantically experienced, but come on, do you really think I don't weigh decisions before I make them? Give me some goddamned credit. Besides, it's not like you two are much better at this.

Like maybe that I spent a lot of time in situations where I had no idea what was going on, and maybe I thought it'd be nice to have somebody know what's going on for a change?

Or do you think I'm an absolute moron who went, "Hurr durr purdy must kiss am moron?"

I didn't think I had to choose between you guys liking me and respecting me, but if I do, I choose respect.



[No Subject]

Who: Roy Mustang & Marco
What: Fucking shit up
Where: The inn
When: The night Roy and Riza house hunt
Warnings | Status: Kissing | Log - Complete

He thought that Roy got it, but apparently not. )

Dec. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Kirito, Levi, North & General Mustang
What: A meeting of the one-named and the general.
When: December 8th, Early evening.
Where: The Elric/Spartan House
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

Why were there so many broody men in this place? Maybe there was something in the water that made them that way. )



[No Subject]

Who: Brig. General Mustang & Lieutenant Hawkeye
What: House hunting. With a manic 30 year old child.
When: December 7th, Afternoon
Where: All around Elsewhere
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

It was painfully clear who was the woman in this relationship. )

Dec. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Texas, North, Hawkeye.

You've had enough time to rest. Share your information with the group. Demographics, visuals, time frames. What was on the other side of the portal? How long were you gone? Did others come through and leave again?

Ms. Mason, begin your follow up tests on each of the three. I expect all of you to comply to Mason's needs.

You have a week, then we'll discuss the next portal.

- Mustang

[Levi, Grey, Marco, Kirito]

I have an idea.



[No Subject]

Now that everybody's back we should have them share what they saw. Also probably standardize some sort of report and protocol if we're going to continue this exercise in adrenaline-fueled stupidity.


Good job not dying.

Dec. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]


Roy said he loved me, but he was drunk. Is that bad?

Also what was in the portal? I assume you're okay because otherwise things would be on fire.



Is my personality offputting?



[No Subject]

Who: Brig. General Roy Mustang & Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye
What: Roy visits Riza at work, after this
When: December 6th, Evening
Where: Madame Chastity’s
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

She’d been doing all the heavy lifting since they’d got here. Roy had let her. )



[No Subject]

Who: Brig. General Roy Mustang & Colonel Alphonse Elric
What: Al has some photos to give the General
When: December 6th, Evening
Where: Mustang/Hawkeye Room (The Inn)
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

As if Roy could make decent tea. Hah. )

Nov. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

[translated from Japanese]


My name is Kirito, I came here alone, though I was with someone when I left. There must have been a glitch in the game.

This network lags a ton. But it works, so beggars can't be choosers.

How much have you all figured out about this place? Besides the monsters in the woods, there's always some of those.

Nov. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Brig. General Roy Mustang & Colonel Alphonse Elric with Georgia Mason (York Cameo)
What: Al returns, York snags him thanks to Georgia’s alert system, Roy talks to Al
When: Nov. 17th, Just after midnight
Where: Elsewhere Hospital
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

The community wellbeing took precedence over Al and Ed’s emotional reunion and it always would. Roy would sacrifice them to that end again and again. No one said he wasn’t an asshole. )

Nov. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Filtered to General Roy Mustang]

Al came back through the portal, about ten minutes ago. I just made it to his location. He's unhurt. He remembers me, so I'm pretty certain it's the same Al.



[No Subject]

Who: General Roy Mustang & York
What: Poor Roy can’t escape the hospital, York chats at him.
When: Nov. 15th, Afternoon
Where: Elsewhere Hospital
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

He didn’t want to be alone at all. )

Nov. 15th, 2017


[No Subject]

Who:Ed and Roy
What:Ed visits Roy and drops off some things
When:A day or so after he's woken up more
Where:Roy's room
Warnings:None for once?

Ed wondered if he did the right thing in not punching Levi for what he’d done to Roy )

Nov. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Levi Ackerman, Marco, Roy Mustang (with York and Riza Hawkeye)
What: Levi kicks Roy's ass, Marco stops him, York and Riza are concerned.
Where: Outside then the hospital
When: Tonight
Warnings | Status: High for violence, implied prostitution, underage stuff | Log - Complete

He’d taken the opportunity to get good and drunk, both because it made talking easier and because he’d felt anxious and Roy didn’t need that right now. )

Nov. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Roy Mustang & Ed Elric
What: Ed forces Roy's hand, Roy's confused
Where: The Inn
When: Set the wayback machine for a damn long time ago
Warnings | Status: Low | Log - Complete

If he expected Roy to show up on his own, maybe that was where his problem was. )

Nov. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Mrs. Prewett, Marco and I went looking for these supposed giants. We found human corpses but no evidence of new activity within 50 miles of us. It's a damned mess out there.

They came through a Northern portal, not one of the originals we marked, be aware of it when you go out. They appear anywhere.

We collected data from the corpses, Ms. Mason. I thought it would be best to analyze them before we disposed of the corpses entirely.

York, Ed, next time don't wait so long to tell us.

- General Mustang


Marco, I need you to go back out.

[No Subject]

So yeah,there are giants now in the forest. They don't care about anything except eating you. I stabbed one in the eyes and it healed instantly, they're fucking fast. I don't suggest going to look for it.