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Elsewhere is Otherwise

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Posts Tagged: 'fullmetal+alchemist:+riza+mustang'

Dec. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

So as per the whole 'instruct people on how not to die when things go to hell' aspect of things, tomorrow everybody is cordially invited to me demonstrating alien species where, if you see them, come and get me.

Please don't shoot me while I'm morphing. Odds are I won't die, but shit hurts.

[ Riza ]

So are you fucking Levi? Or do you just want to?

[ Roy ]

I feel like I should say something.

Dec. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Roy and Riza:

You two can keep the house.

If you want to play house with a child, then have one. But stop trying to make decisions for me. For example, did it occur to either of you to ask my opinion about moving? I'm not a piece of furniture. I'm not Roy's pacifier. Did either of you think that maybe there might be things I wanted or didn't want in a place to live? Yeah, I can put up with living just about anywhere, but it doesn't mean I don't have any preferences.

Background for the rest of this since you two suck so much at communicating:

Roy, Riza and I were talking about you the other day. Riza, I kissed Roy. That's probably why he's a drunk mess on the floor. There, see? Communication.

Riza, I accept that I don't know you or Roy as well as you know each other, especially about what you've been through. But that goes the other way too. You don't know me as well as you know Roy. Except for the fact that I'm attracted to you and Roy and I get confused about people's reactions to me, you know zero about what I like or don't like sexually. It's not like I never think about it or fantasize. For all you know, I like the idea of fucking someone who's wearing a clown nose.

Roy, I'm not pissed that you said no. People have said no. Riza's obviously not interested and ask her, I've not been weird about it. I fought with someone I liked for three years while she was with someone else and it wasn't weird. I'm pissed because you seem to think it's your job to decide I can't make my own decisions. I've been making life or death decisions since I was 13, including personal ones like 'hey, should we murder my mom to save humanity?' No, I'm not very romantically experienced, but come on, do you really think I don't weigh decisions before I make them? Give me some goddamned credit. Besides, it's not like you two are much better at this.

Like maybe that I spent a lot of time in situations where I had no idea what was going on, and maybe I thought it'd be nice to have somebody know what's going on for a change?

Or do you think I'm an absolute moron who went, "Hurr durr purdy must kiss am moron?"

I didn't think I had to choose between you guys liking me and respecting me, but if I do, I choose respect.

Dec. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Brig. General Mustang & Lieutenant Hawkeye
What: House hunting. With a manic 30 year old child.
When: December 7th, Afternoon
Where: All around Elsewhere
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

It was painfully clear who was the woman in this relationship. )

Dec. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]


Roy said he loved me, but he was drunk. Is that bad?

Also what was in the portal? I assume you're okay because otherwise things would be on fire.



Is my personality offputting?



[No Subject]

Who: Brig. General Roy Mustang & Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye
What: Roy visits Riza at work, after this
When: December 6th, Evening
Where: Madame Chastity’s
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

She’d been doing all the heavy lifting since they’d got here. Roy had let her. )

Nov. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Major Edward Elric & Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye
What: Ed needs some friendly advice.
When: Nov. 14th, Early Morning
Where: Elsewhere Hospital
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

He’d been so stoic when York initially met him. He’d reached rock bottom then and had wanted to take his own life, but now he’d come so far. His thoughts hadn’t been in that dark place since Roy pulled him out of it and then gave him York. )

Nov. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Filtered to York and Edward Elric]

North was able to find Levi last night, he has him now.

Nov. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Filtered; Georgia, Lt. Hawkeye, Marco]

I've got Levi. No harm done. He came willingly, but I haven't asked him anything. I figured that was up to you and whatever we've decided as a group to do about the situation.

Is the General awake?

Has anyone been able to speak to him about it?

Nov. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Levi Ackerman, Marco, Roy Mustang (with York and Riza Hawkeye)
What: Levi kicks Roy's ass, Marco stops him, York and Riza are concerned.
Where: Outside then the hospital
When: Tonight
Warnings | Status: High for violence, implied prostitution, underage stuff | Log - Complete

He’d taken the opportunity to get good and drunk, both because it made talking easier and because he’d felt anxious and Roy didn’t need that right now. )



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Edward Elric]

Roy's been injured, he's doing alright, though he's unconscious still. He's in the hospital under York's care.

I wasn't sure if he had the chance to let you know before he left to come to the hospital.

Nov. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Edward Elric & Riza Hawkeye
What: Riza visits Ed in the hospital.
When: Nov. 10th, Afternoon
Where: The Hospital
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

Riza was so much warmer than Roy would ever be, he wondered if that man even knew it. )

Nov. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Mrs. Prewett, Marco and I went looking for these supposed giants. We found human corpses but no evidence of new activity within 50 miles of us. It's a damned mess out there.

They came through a Northern portal, not one of the originals we marked, be aware of it when you go out. They appear anywhere.

We collected data from the corpses, Ms. Mason. I thought it would be best to analyze them before we disposed of the corpses entirely.

York, Ed, next time don't wait so long to tell us.

- General Mustang


Marco, I need you to go back out.

[No Subject]

So yeah,there are giants now in the forest. They don't care about anything except eating you. I stabbed one in the eyes and it healed instantly, they're fucking fast. I don't suggest going to look for it.



[No Subject]

Things that are awesome: Getting a job by punching people, and hookers are actually really nice.

Things that are less awesome: 7 people thinking you're one of the hookers.

Nov. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Marco & Lieutenant Hawkeye
What: Marco visits the Brothel
When: Nov. 4th, Evening
Where: Madame Chastity’s
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

When the man turned to look at him, Marco pulled his fist back and punched him square in the nose in exactly the fashion that Riza had been teaching him over the last several weeks. )

Nov. 2nd, 2017



No creepy wizard or creepy witch lady

You know what sucks about morphing healing injuries? Every single time you get hit it feels like the first time. Ow, Riza. Seriously?

Added later:



I have something for you. Come over.

Carlos and Harry:

I want to test something, but I need one of you because it involves magic and I really don't trust creepy mind lady.

Oct. 31st, 2017


[No Subject]

Who: Edward Elric & Lieutenant Hawkeye
What: Visiting Ed
When: Oct. 31th, Morning
Where: The Spartan/Elric house
Rating: PG-13
Status: Log - Complete

Not so short now am I? )



[No Subject]

I spoke at length this morning with a very charming pleasant man who bought me a cup of coffee. He seemed to be very knowledgeable and relatively new.. he kept asking questions about the town but was incredibly artful about not answering any of mine in return.

He asked about the statues too, Mr. Dresden.

He was very handsome tall.

And he seemed the most interested in North and York, their armor, and what they were doing in the woods yesterday. I told him I didn't know.

I really like the way he said my name

[General Mustang]

You should visit Edward, sir. He seems to be doing well. He's grown. He's twenty now. He seems.. well. The years have been good to him, General.

Oct. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Filtered; Marco]

You alright?

I'm sorry about the other day. If I'd known you were there That's not what I meant to happen.

[Filtered; Hawkeye]

Are you happy?

Oct. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

this button do? Oh it puts my words on the box, like a dick to quill NO DO NOT WRITE THAT dick to quill NO

Note to self: box does not know some words.

What about this button

oh faces!

They're cute!

😃 🤗

why are they all yellow?

What does 'post' mean who would this post to? What happens if I-