January 30th, 2011

[info]weasley_girl in [info]eighth_rpg

WHO: Ginny Weasley & OPEN!
WHAT: Ginny needed "supplies"
WHERE: Diagon Alley - Quality Quidditch Supplies.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon.

Today was the first day she felt like adventuring out... )

[info]insufferable in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Fleur Weasley and Hermione Granger.
What: A cooking lesson that may very well end in disaster.
Where: Ron and Hermione's flat.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Rating: Low.

There was something about her inevitable failure that had her lacking interest in the whole situation... )

[info]sallycanwait in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Sally-Anne Perks and Marcia Perks
What: A friendly visit from your mum
Where: Sally-Anne’s flat
When: January 30, 1999 - Late afternoon
Rating: Intense

Her new sofa definitely seemed nap worthy. )

[info]owl_who in [info]eighth_rpg

Owls to Kevin Entwhistle, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hermione Granger, Megan Jones, and Lia Moon )

[info]owl_who in [info]eighth_rpg

Owl to Harry Potter )