January 5th, 2011

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Ron Weasley and Harry Potter
What: Chasing phantom Death Eaters and talking about Hermione
Where: Some crazy woman's house
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: Low

'Did I tell you why Hermione went so mental the other day?' )

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Ron and Hermione
What: Arriving home after that night's search.
Where: Their flat
When: Late Tuesday night
Rating: Nothing too bad.

There are definite perks to be enjoyed in a serious relationship. )

[info]his_evil_twin in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: George Weasley, Oliver Wood, and any fine ladies who wander in
What: Cruising for chicks / Bromance time
Where: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade Their flat
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: C for Cheesy Pickup Lines

Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart. )