December 6th, 2010

[info]artisticdean in [info]eighth_rpg

WHO: Dean Thomas and Alecto Carrow
WHAT: A run in with a path down memory lane
WHERE: Random London Street
WHEN: Sunday Night

He had thought that he had heard something within the darkness. )

[info]justaspinnet in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Alicia Spinnet and George Weasley
When: Very late Sunday Evening/Early Monday Morning
Where: The Burrow
What: Given the break-out, and the eerie conversation with a certain Rabastan Lestrange, Alicia sees it fit to go and check on her parents. Especially her mother. Given that her travels take her past the home of her favorite wizarding family - The Weasleys - Alicia opts to stop in and see how one George Weasley is doing. Hopefully the loud popping sound won't wake the entire household.
Rating: Low (Unless either decides to have choice words about dark wizards lurking about!)

Yes. Alicia should have definitely given George, or one of the Weasley's, some sort of warning that they may be getting a visitor at this hour. )

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
What: Another long shift comes to an end
Where: Hermione's flat
When: Monday night
Rating: Meh

But now he had twelve glorious hours off, and he hoped against hope that nothing would happen that would result in him being summoned to work early the next day.  )

[info]insufferable in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Oliver Wood and Hermione Granger.
What: Inducting Oliver into Dumbledore's Army.
Where: Hermione's flat.
When: Midday, Monday.
Rating: Low?

It was clear to Hermione that they were going to need all the help they could get, so adding to their numbers could only be a positive thing... )