December 4th, 2010

[info]eloise_anne in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Eloise Midgen and Open
What: Getting back on her magical feet
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: 4 December 1998 - late evening
Rating: PG (for now)

The problem with returning to a world where most people didn't remember you existed was that nobody really cared that you had returned. )

[info]rabastanlives in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: The Death Eaters
What: Freeing their own
Where: A gathering place; Azkaban
When: Late Saturday/Early Sunday
Rating: Violence ensues

Azkaban did not stand a chance. )

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
What: A quiet evening, interrupted by bad news
Where: Hermione's flat
When: Late Saturday night/Early Sunday morning
Rating: It's getting darker... but not rated higher.

'They've broken out of Azkaban. Report to the Ministry immediately.' )

[info]weasleyis in [info]eighth_rpg

Who: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley
What: Seeing Azkaban first-hand
Where:The Ministry/Azkaban
When: Sunday morning
Rating: Low

It was nothing like he had seen in a long while and something he had hoped not to see again. )