Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology

April 30th, 2008

April 30th, 2008

sed iure laudetur in litore aegyptii maris alexandria

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been around, I've been sick for, like, ever.

As a propitiatory offering, I bring some article links.

The first three are all Ptolemies-related:

Someone is trying to get the Pharos Lighthouse rebuilt. I... can't imagine it will work, because the location and quite a lot of the blocks are already in use in the fortress of Qait Bey. There are some fairly LOLarious remarks in the article, though.

The tomb of Cleopatra and Marc Antony is set to be uncovered this year. Until recently access to the tomb has been hindered because it is under water, but archaeologists plan to drain the site so they can begin excavation in November. There's also a suggestion the remains of Cleopatra may lie within. I wouldn't hold my breath; traditionally, both bodies were misidentified and throw out to sea.

Rising Sea Levels Threatens Egypt's Ancient Cities, especially Alexandria. It should be noted that the loss of silt deposits, now that the yearly Nile innundation is stopped, is also contributing to the loss of Delta land. The problem is most dire in Alex.

And finally, a bit of Egyptomania: Egypt-themed land at Legoland! The article's in French but you can always look at the pictures. This may finally get me to Legoland. ;)
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