Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology

April 9th, 2008

April 9th, 2008

10,000 BC snarkage

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Heee, at [info]aristoboule's suggestion, I'm posting this here... and I'm curious as to everybody's thoughts. I haven't seen 10,000 BC myself, but I recently had to deal with a really weird guy who came up to me during the film festival I was helping staff, and try to tell me all about it (it was emphatically not one of our films) and how he was now totally convinced, because the movie had conclusively proved it to him, that ancient Egyptians had used mastodons to build the pyramids.

...Now really, is there anything in reputable Egyptology that would lend any credence to that? And can anybody tell me of a good pet store that will sell me a megatherium?
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