December 6th, 2016



Update: In-Game Time

Hi guys!

After reviewing your comments on the issue of time in the game, we have decided to go ahead and try delayed time. We hope that this will make it easier for everyone to keep up, and also that it will encourage more character development as well as development between characters.

There is a new post on the mod journal located here. This will be the reference post for in-game time. Currently, we have pushed time back to July 2016. When you are ready to move on to August, please remember to comment on the mod journal post. Once a majority of people are ready to progress, we will update the time post. This is how we will treat time going forward.

Please note that if your characters are currently involved in threads taking place after July, you may still continue playing them out. However, we do suggest you keep in mind the plots developing in game time, as they may affect characters down the line.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message the dropbox.

- Aeryn & Lana