October 24th, 2016



October Activity Check

Everyone has until the end of October 31st EST to comment with proof of their activity. As a reminder, you need the following:
  • One (1) journal entry. This can be a journal entry your character posted or one that your character commented on.
  • One (1) thread. Again, this can be a thread your character posted or one that your character participated in.
If you don't provide proof, your character will be removed on November 1st. If a name has a strikethrough, they have either passed or they are exempt from the check due to hiatus. Note that if your character has a * by their name, you may choose to waive their activity for this check — Just let the Mods know.

April Scott *
Cassandra Thorne *
Poppy Sweetwater
Fredericka Holt *
Zelia de los Santos
Abigail Knight *
Rachel Knight *
Nadia Duchene/Solara-Rei *
Mary Baker *
Kara Choi *
Ashley Crane
Willow Collins
Miranda Quinn *
Lyric Franks *
Margaret Reed *
Skye Sawyer *
Briana Underwood *
Hadley Cross *
Sophia Coriander *
Rebecca Delaney
Jacqueline Young *
Alexandria Knight
Emily Young
Lanie McKenna *
Anna Volkova *
Shanna Damiani
Elise Delaney *
Gideon Damiani *
Cole Sinclair *
Killian Delaney *
Jackson Reynolds *
Michael Crane *
Bishop *
Levi Whitby *
Noah Knight *
Xander Kingston *
Jamie Whitaker
Carlos Vasquez *
Mason Grant *
Seth Knight *
Raj Thorne *
Derrick Gray
August McKenna
Jake McKenna *
Gray Ó Nualláin *
Ethan Cole *
Carter Reynolds
Jesse Damiani *
Gabriel Damiani *
Eddie Danvers *
Storm Briarlee *
Evan McKenna *

If your character is missing or you think your character is eligible for a waiver but not marked, drop a note to the Mods



Adds & Removals

Hey guys,

We have a couple of adds and removals, so please head over and run the friends button to update your lists.





Henna: A great excuse to have a hot guy hold your phone and brush your hair out of your face.

So this is Irena — she prefers to be called Ren — and she's the littlest Thorne sister, who'll be living on Raj's couch until she either finds a place of her own, or until she's well enough to go back to school and work.

She's a feisty ball of sunshine who loves anything that gives her a rush of adrenaline. In a family that has good reason to hate liars and thieves, she is, of course, a liar and a thief. Really, she's only a liar because she's a thief. She's not sure if that excuses it, but she's not trying to really hurt anyone, and that's got to count for something...right? >.>

Ren picked up some extra abilities when her last job went sideways, and now she's trying to figure out how to get them under control while not entirely revealing everything about her life to her siblings. (Like that won't happen.) On previous jobs, she's crossed paths with Jesse, so she's got a history with him. I'm totally open to anyone else who wants to work out a line — or lines — with her. She doesn't know who her clients are, but it's quite likely she's stolen stuff for — and from — some of the older and wealthier people in town who may have stashes elsewhere. (The group she works for specializes in rare, highly valuable, and sometimes magical/supernatural, artifacts.) She's inadvertently worked for the military organization based near Willow Creek, and they in turn will eventually take an interest in her newfound powers. Up until picking up these weird side effects, she didn't really believe in the supernatural, and as of her arrival in WC, she's totally unaware of how closely involved in the supernatural her family already is.

I've already posted a wanted line for her here, and will be pimping for it too.

So just hit me up if you wanna do anything!

♥ Lana ♥

ETA: Because we're a bit behind in time, Irena arrived in WC in September.



[No Subject]

Hey! It's Nae!

This is Ryan Dawson. He moved to town about five years ago, and was in town for about three years, before he moved to Seattle for a bit, but he moved back early this year. Originally, he's from Alabama, and he has a slight southern accent. If he'd stayed at his parent's farm longer, he could have turned into *such* a cowboy. But alas.

When he's not working for Alexandria Knight, Ryan picks up odd construction and handyman jobs. He does some maintenance work around The View. Ryan can be found hanging out at BeauSoleil a lot. He can be a jerk to people he doesn't like/care about that much, but when you get close to him he has some redeeming qualities. It's too bad he doesn't like or care about most people. Nadia is kind of his exception.

He lives at The View, and Ryan has a boat that he spends a lot of time on, called The Amberlee. No pets except lab rats, but Ryan likes dogs. No family, but Nadia's kinda like family.

Unbeknownst to his peers, Ryan secretly works for the military organization in town. Unbeknownst to him, he's also a scary, evil warlock with power over the undead. Right now, all of his powers are dormant, but they could be awoken. If so...the vampires might be in trouble. He could go all Killgrave on them. Everyone might be in trouble. Let's try to keep them dormant.

Anyway, Ryan is available for plotting and I'd love to get lines for him. <3333