December 14th, 2009

09:44 pm

Hi all!
Just a few game updates and some info on upcoming events!
Since it's just plain confusing to try to stick to a timeline two months earlier than real life, I think it's best we sort of fast-forward a bit and say that we're at Dec. 14th, 1995 rather than the arbitrary October date we've been flirting with.

Thanks to this date-jump, we're going to have a few fun winter activities. For students, we'll be having a Hogwarts Holiday Festival (dance and feast). For alums/adults/staff, they'll be a Holiday Pub Fest at Diagon Alley. Look for posts regarding these events towards the end of the week!

We're also going to do an in-game secret snowman swap! I will pair students with students, and adults/staff with other adults/staff. Comment below with your character's likes and interests below. Then, I will email you your secret snowman. There will then be a post where you can leave your gift for your assigned participant in an anonymous comment. It'll be fun to try to guess who go what for whom! :)

For example, if I were participating as Hagrid, I might comment with this:
Likes: Animals, mead, my dog Fang, hiking, exotic creatures.

And my secret snowman might leave me this:
Left for HAGRID, outside his hut and tied with a big yellow bow

The attached note says 'A pitcher for your drink and a treat for your pet. Happy holidays!'

If you want to participate, just comment on this post with your character's likes and favorite things!