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[31 Mar 2017|11:42am]

Hello eastside. This is Danielle, 23 years old, dance instructor and student. Her best friend is [info]aprildiane. More info can be found in her bio regarding this friendship.

She's finishing up let last semester of a Sports Medicine degree at Boston Unicersity.

She doesn't date much, but if anyone wants to say they went on a blind date with her before? Or someone who likes her who she doesn't realize they like her?

Any other friends?

She's a dual citizen to Italy having been born there so there's that for a potential line, too.

She's pretty introverted. Has basically the one close friend unless anyone else wants to work out a childhood friendship?

I'll make her an aim and apply her tonight or tomorrow.
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[30 Mar 2017|05:27am]

i wanted to make sure i was added and all was good before i posted here, but hello! this is areum, 18 years old, aspiring pro-gamer and the best/worst nanny ever depending on how you feel about her ways of handling kids. she's lived in philly all her life but has probably been all over for tournaments and conventions, so she could probably know pretty much anyone. i think she's significantly younger than most people (except her childhood bestie, [info]kimoon) but i did kind of want her to have an awkward, one-sided crush on someone at some point if anyone is down for that. otherwise, i am completely open to anything!
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[30 Mar 2017|04:22am]

Hello beautiful people of Eastside! Now that we are in and accepted and all things are a go, I would like to introduce Mr. Truman Jolie, but please call him Tru. He's a 31 year old photographer who has lived on Philly a strong seven years now. He mainly does freelance and is on call for several newspapers and magazines, as well as any companies that might need photowork. He also dances and strips at one of the local clubs - a left over from when he was trying to "make itL that he enjoys and hasn't quite gotten the courage to give up yet. As far as lines he is relatively open. He's originally from London, is still very much involved over there, and is a polite chap. He's got some things brewing, burnwe wiuld love some friends or an ex boyfriend (or two) or people he's worked with....anything!
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Take 2 [27 Mar 2017|08:04pm]

Alrighty! I have finalized this new version of April. Her personality is the same for the most part, but she is now a copy editor for the Boston Globe. She is a former dancer who had the career path decision made for her when she suffered a knee injury in high school. I haven't decided what part of Boston that she is from or currently residing in, but that can be worked out with potential lines.

Details! )

I think that's it!
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[27 Mar 2017|10:15am]

I'm not quite done organising his biographical material, but this is Monte, and I'm hoping to have him ready for Wednesday's round of adds. He's a bit quirky, I suppose, or maybe self-destructive would be a better way to describe him. Either way, I don't have too many ultra-specific lines in mind for him just yet - mostly acquaintances/friends/etc for the time being. It'd be neat to find out he has some things/hobbies/routines in common with others, though!

He's 32 and lives in Philadelphia, he doesn't have a job, and can't quite get the hang of staying sober (but that isn't because he doesn't want to). He lived with his mother in Baltimore until the age of seven, which was when he moved to Las Vegas to live with his uncle. He later moved back East, but decided against returning to Baltimore because it'd never been much of a home to him in the first place.

Some places he's commonly seen are: following around after [info]mallegory like a shadow, various tattoo parlours, the gym (honestly not a very common thing), at the pharmacy causing some sort of scene about the number of refills left on prescriptions that he hasn't had for years… it's probably safe to assume he's known by any law enforcement-types, though not because he's constantly getting arrested, or anything like that. He's fond of video games (and playing them), music (listening to it, talking about it, certain venues, etc), thinking about food but not always eating it, trying to remain as ignorant as possible about things like current pop culture...?
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[25 Mar 2017|01:27pm]

hello friends! this here is byrd levinson. he's [info]levinson's little brother. i'm still figuring out what he's like but i thought i'd throw him out for some lines. what i have on him so far is that he's kind of a shy one but he's working on getting out of his shell and putting himself out there in the world a little more. he's finishing up school and working at a bookstore (i think! this is negotiable if anyone needs a coworker). i'd love to work out some lines with everyone. he's a philly native, born and raised. he's all about family and being close knit with the people he cares about. does anyone need anything? a roommate? a best friend? a coworker? i'm open to a lot of things!
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[25 Mar 2017|11:15am]

Alright lovies, this is Kahikilani, or Kai. His personality and most of his bio are listed in his journal, he's a professor at Philadelphia University, at least that's what I have listed and it might change.

Coworkers / former students, other single parents (although he has shared custody of his little ones), people who he trains with at the gym. Simple basic ideas, I know, but I figured we could talk specifics, and hash things out together <3
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[23 Mar 2017|02:33pm]

Now that the soul-sucking professional dossier is done, could I get some lines for this 33-year-old Philly-based zookeeper?

Jamal was here, he left for a bit, but I'm staging a comeback for him. Lines old and new and suggestions are welcome while I rework/update his bio.
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[23 Mar 2017|08:33am]
i'll be honest and admit i'm not 100% sure where to bring him, but i thought i'd dip my toes in here to see who bites! haha. this is brendon, an early/mid-twenties trans guy who works as an assistant for one of his moms. he'd be philly-based with an affinity for ny. he's outgoing and gets on well with almost anyone, though i'm still working out the major kinks of his character
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[19 Mar 2017|10:42pm]

I'm strongly considering bringing this lady over to the eastside. (Waits for anyone to laugh at my bad pun.)

Her name is April and she's a dancer who has a temper. However, she's really good with money and already owns her own studio. (Possibly an inheritance.)

If the journal looks familiar to you this is the second journal of the same name. However, it's been the same writer all along. I've dropped some dead weight, and I am looking to start her all over again. Just with the same basic personality and background. While I iron her out, I know that you lovely people want to give me ALL of the lines. Help me decide which city she lives in, while we're at it. Because any of the three will work fine for her.
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[19 Mar 2017|09:06am]

this is my plea for lines )
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[14 Mar 2017|05:42pm]

hi all, so many of you have been really lovely about reaching out for lines but i figured i'd post so you can come find me if you want to flesh things out a little more and so i can catch anyone who hasn't! this is louisa, who goes by lou more often than not. she's 30, a lesbian and a high school gym teacher. she's a boston native who went away to new york for college on a soccer scholarship. an injury kind of squashed any of her dreams of going pro and she eventually moved back home about five years ago thanks to some family trouble.

she's fairly introverted, the sort of person who is so quiet you sort of forget they're even there. she's more of an observer than a talker, preferring to chime in when she's sure what she's going to say is worth saying. once you get to know her, lou is witty with a sarcastic streak and an occasionally dark sense of humor. she's still very competitive and her ruthless nature when she's competing is a bit of a surprise to people given her quiet demeanor any other time. she's very focused, loyal and practical, though she can be one to make snap judgments and very impatient.

i could use anything and everything for her. people she knew back in school, a neighbor for her and the ex she's still living with, flings, friends, people she knows via her older brothers, whatever! she's friends with [info]ghosh, cousins with [info]aimeee and does derby with [info]imogenhughes under the name princess slaya!
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[12 Mar 2017|04:46pm]

now that i have finally worked out some info about him, i guess it's time to post here and see if there are any connections he may have that we don't know about yet.

this is shiv. he works at the mazzoni center in IT/help desk, so he works with [info]bannister. he's been in philadelphia about six months and lives with [info]spncer. prior to living in philadelphia he lived in new york with his fiancee but that didn't work out so he moved and started fresh. did i make other connections with you guys in pbads i've already forgotten about? i'm sorry. so if you think he may know your characters, let's set it up.
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[09 Mar 2017|09:02pm]

well i guess the word is out. hello out there again everyone! my days of woeful neglect where this nerd is concerned are behind me! merrick here is on his way back soon, just depends on how quickly i defrost after going to minneapolis.

so for the no one who doesn't yet know and the most of you who just don't recall who this fella is, this is merrick rolston, short-lived mls star (he was kind of a Big Deal for a couple years but recognizes 0.0% of americans give a crap about soccer if it's not the olympics/world cup so he 'gets it' when people have no earthly idea who he is) and reformed former man-slut. he's a worcester boy who now resides in philly and works as an assistant coach with the upenn men's soccer team. buuut since they're out of season and the mls is back in swing, he's currently volunteering time with the philadelphia union, generally just being the ambitious son of a gun that he is. uhh, he's a "closet" disney and early 2000's boyband fan and is definitely 'that guy' about espn - you know, the one who never turns it off. but like otherwise, he's cool, i promise.

he's been dating [info]deanshaw for the last six months and is 100% amazed the guy puts up with his nonsense still, and he's basically been tormenting [info]imogenhughes since they were youngsters. everyone else please give us another chance okay, i swears it'll be different this time around.
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[08 Mar 2017|07:47am]

Hello there, all the amazing people that I really missed. Merrick-s and I are trying to stage a comeback, so bear with us for the next week or so as we get our feet under and reapply. I figured I'd get the ball rolling here because there's plenty of plotting to be done. Everyone who's new, hi! This is Dean. He is ~njhudson's cousin, ~jeannea's former client (he really really misses her-skype workouts?), and your resident old fogey of almost 40 (t - 23 days).

For those who know Dean, since December (before I forgot to update my friends' list and then my work rolled over me), Dean moved from NYC to Philly for a job trial internship at Mazzoni center as the event coordinator. The internship was a trial period and it's coming to the end on April 1. So you guys get to help me decide if I let him succeed and keep the job, or if I should have him get fired. He's still with Merrick (6 months in); he is trying to be better about his parents (really); he's really really tired of the administration crap. So you could expect him at marches, protests, town halls, etc. He hasn't decided what to do with the studio in NYC. Okay, really, he's been trying to not totally fail in planning events. He hasn't so far; should he?

Anyway, tl;dr:
1. Should Dean fail at his internship? Yes or no? If yes, reasons? Also, if he fails, where to next?
2. What have we missed, and shouldn't have?
3. Any ideas for narratives/plots/lines?

Let's make this happen! Also, I'm really excited to come back.
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