Storylines for East Bay Street's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Storylines for East Bay Street

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[18 Nov 2020|08:08am]
Hi all! Im kind of inspired to revive an old character she's a single mom (son is probably about 12 now, his father passed away when the boy was young). Gigi was born in Charleston but moved away as a kid around 12 and would have recently moved back around a year or so. I used to have Shannyn Sossamon as pb but as Im kind of revamping Im looking for new pb faces! She'll be late 30s early 40s. She is a former child/teen actress, now high school drama teacher. Also, would anyone be interested in bringing in Luke Grimes or Cole Hauser for something??
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[18 Nov 2020|01:29pm]
I thought this might be a better place to post this but I was looking to bring in this girl as a relatively new transplant to the Charleston area. Born and raised in Manhattan, she moved to Charleston after an opportunity was extended for a position in the Charleston Symphony Orchestra. I'm working on adding in a pretty ugly breakup as another reason for her move, which would've taken place about a year ago. She has a PhD from NYU and I haven't decided where she's going to live just yet so if anyone needs neighbors, even better! So far, she has friends and brunch buddies in [info]gracalla and [info]brookleee, more friends and anything else would be awesome!
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