Storylines for East Bay Street's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Storylines for East Bay Street

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[25 Oct 2020|02:26pm]
Hello everyone! I'm currently working on bringing in a couple of characters, but wanted to check in here before I get to far with this one in particular. Allegra is a thirty-three year old woman who has been living in the area for the past twelve years or so and I'm thinking she's set up either a café or a book shop in that time. Do you have either/both of those things in game already? If so, is there some other sort of small business that could be useful to have around?

Either way, I'm also up for lines! Friends, exes, The Big Ex who she may or may not have a child with (major bonus points if anyone wants to bring me Hugh Laurie for that), someone she's trying to make it work with (any gender), etc.
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[25 Oct 2020|09:40pm]
Hi! I'm bringing in this guy, Dr. Wes Kane. He's 50, a chiropractor, and a native to Charleston. He's a widower, whose husband died of complications from MS a few years ago. He was adopted as a baby and tried to adopt with his husband, but they were open adoptions, and the mothers backed out both times. They fostered kids for several years, though. Wes also fostered a kid by himself for a year and a half, about a year and a half after his husband died. He hasn't really dated since, but has tried a few casual things and gave up on them after a while. I've really got nothing in the way of lines for him, but there could always be patients of his, maybe relatives of his adoptive parents, old friends, if there are younger characters that might have been foster kids, he possibly could have fostered them with his husband, maybe a person he tried to be casual with at some point? Let me know if you'd like anything with him, whether it's one of those or brain storming!
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