Storylines for East Bay Street's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Storylines for East Bay Street

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[05 Aug 2020|03:20pm]
This here is Mark. He's dating [info]lstarla and is best friend's with [info]stjamest. He works as an English Teacher at West Ashley high school and also as a reading specialist with after school/weekend tutoring sessions. He's a big nerd with some mental health issues that he's currently dealing with. He suffers from anorexia as well as OCD and anxiety. Recently, he went through a very large spiral that has him in inpatient therapy but he should be getting out in a few days here.

As far as his personality goes? He's kinda shy unless he really knows you. He hates being the center of attention and tells a lot of stupid jokes. He's quick to add a 'that's what she said' if you give him an opening. Huge into pop culture references. He's very organized and helps his boy, Taurean, out with scheduling at Tempest Tattoo because it's easier for his mental health to stay as busy as humanly possible. He loves to fish and camp. He's super friendly. And .. yeah.

Would love to get him some more friends. People he's known for awhile, fellow teachers, maybe a cousin or two. Hit me with your ideas and we'll work something out!
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[05 Aug 2020|07:12pm]
hi everyone! this here is luna st. james, younger half-sister to [info]stjamest, and local vegan and vegetarian lunch spot/bakery/coffee shop owner! she's been in charleston for a while now, settling after traveling, which followed growing up with a traveling carnival. luna is, basically, too friendly and too sweet for her own good sometimes. she can be a little naive and too trusting, but she has a huge heart - which she wears on her sleeve - and just believes in the good in people. she takes in "strays" - people that don't have anywhere else to go, that need friends or families. is the type that knows all of her customers and their usuals. loves animals but is a huge cat lady. always experimenting with foods and having people try it. she is incredibly close with her brother, so anyone that is close to him will also be close to luna! luna is also very eccentric and loves her accessories and clothing. is always thrift shopping, loves the moon/stars/candles/crystals/incense/essential oils, etc.

i'd love to work lines out with everyone and i'm super excited to write with you all!
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