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[23 Sep 2022|12:12am]

Tower Aspera is an original psychological horror game centering around the abduction of a seemingly random group of people, and the experiments they are subjected to. Every character has been harboring a secret their entire life: they're not human. Every day the characters will be tested against strange scenarios and harsh stimuli. They will have no choice but to live and work with one another in the strange town they have been placed in. Play by the rules and be rewarded. Refuse, and be punished. They have no contact with their captors, but one thing is apparent: escape is impossible.

Through the course of gameplay the characters will come to realize their selection for this involuntary experiment isn’t random at all. Each and every one of them has something in common - a secret they've been keeping their whole lives. Perhaps there will be comfort to be found in this new camaraderie. Our advice? Take it whenever, and wherever, you can.

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